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  1. k_dean_curtis

    Size And Conditioning

    Hi Adpowah, glad someone was actually listening :) All your points are well taken. I have actually been doing more SS than HST, being 55 now. I have SSv3 and PPv3, hang out on Rippetoe's forum a good bit, so know where you are coming from. I disagree with Rip on a few minor points, but overall...
  2. k_dean_curtis

    Size And Conditioning

    Any type of conditioning is extremely specific, basic SAID. So many scientific studies and practical experience that this point is irrefutable. 100% of all training adaptations for aerobic conditioning happen in the muscle, 0% in internal organs. Try this experiment: 1. run on a treadmill for...
  3. k_dean_curtis

    Is Hst Appropriate For Me?

    During the 5s , you don't need 30 reps. 20 will do for most loads. Tot, O&G, Bryan, et al had a thread about this topic a while back. At your 5rm, the last workout would probably look like: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 unless you want to rest 10 minutes plus per set. 30 to 40 reps was for 70 to 75% 1RM...
  4. k_dean_curtis

    Daily Shoulder Routine?

    Never do "behind the neck" anything. You WILL tear up your shoulders. Read Starting Strength pressing section or check out coach Rip's videos on Pressing. You have to shrug your shoulders during the top of the press to prevent impingement, regardless of whether you have healthy shoulders or...
  5. k_dean_curtis

    Hst And Sport Balance?

    O&G, You mentioned this earlier, maybe in another thread. Do you feel HIIT or LSD goes better with HST, especially from a stand point of not hurting one's hypertrophy?
  6. k_dean_curtis

    H S T And Active Recovery Days

    IMHO, in the long run you will be better off with upper body on M / W / F then lower body on T / Th / S or a push/pull. AS O&G says, recovery is more important
  7. k_dean_curtis


    Nice articles, thanks for posting. They help understand the fundamentals.
  8. k_dean_curtis

    Hst With 3 Days Work Out

    1. No, cardio will hamper your gains. You can do HIIT intervals, fairly easy on off days, which is way better for fat loss anyway 2. This is answered well in the FAQ and Tot's ebook. As Adpowah said, read the ebook, then come back with more questions, we will be glad to help. 3. Squats and...
  9. k_dean_curtis

    Negatives Without A Partner

    Pretty much any machine: the old Nautilus "negative accentuated" way. Up with 2 limbs, down with one. Chins, dips, etc you climb up with your legs and lower with the target muscle groups. With a barbell, don't even go there, too dangerous.
  10. k_dean_curtis

    Planning Next Bulk. Thoughts?

    O&G is correct as usual. Never do any resistance exercises behind the neck, push or pull. Read Bill DeSimone's works, they are very valuable here. Relevant links: I have used these...
  11. k_dean_curtis

    free weights vs machines on compounds

    Age old debate, I know. Rippetoe hates machines, says most isolations are useless. Brian's sample routine has a mix of all. What are folks' opinions here regarding 1. Free weight compounds 2. Machine compounds (on good stuff like Hammer, et al) 3. Machine isolations (ditto, on good stuff) in...
  12. k_dean_curtis

    What is your career?

    As for me, 44 yrs old, BS in Computer Science, now a senior software development manager for a fortune 500 company. I have software engineers all over the world, is high stress, high $$, but interesting and at times fun. I used to own my own software company, but sold it several years ago. Nice...
  13. k_dean_curtis

    Nitric Oxide supplements

    Bryan and others, Muscle building potential aside, does Arginine and/or other NO products have any benefit for their original intended purpose, namely vasodilation (for heart patients like my dad), circulation to extremeties (including ahem, that extremity), and lowering blood pressure...