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  1. I

    HST and stomach

    Ive finally posted a hot topic... my life is complete!!!! :D I rekon most people dont know how to work stomach propery anyway, i get confused myself. You see loads of people on benches forgeting about breathing and tensing and just grabbing there neck and trying to pull their bodies up with...
  2. I

    Best exercises...

    Throwing HST out the window for a minute, my favourite exercise for chest has always been Dumbell Presses, (obviously inclines the best for most people, as the upper chest is naturaly hard to develop). In my opinion (and I have read this in many books) the barbell is just something for the ego...
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    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    Noooooooooo guys dont confuse me for a retard I know what compound and isolation movements are. All im sayn is after years of training 'normaly' im making so many sacrifices to my usual ways of thinkin it would be hard for me to give up bi and tri isolation movements altogether. I know that...
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    Weighted dips

    Sounds good, O&G do you know a website I can geta cheap chain??? :D Only kiddin, im not quite that poor. Thanks again, I thought someone was gona tell me the best techniques for balancing weights on my head!
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    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    When u say add another set of compounds eg??? To me nearly all of the above exercises are compund. Except the rear and side delts and bis and tris, even then Im not sure i could do without these as theyv been the bread and butter of every thing iv done for years and im already sacrificing a lot...
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    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    Right gona do this now.... 4days a week Mon, Tue,Thur,Fri. Alternatin between.... 1/ Squats Inc bench Pulldown (wide and narrow) Shoulder Press DB curls Tri extensions Calfs standing And 2/ SLDL Dips Rows Side and rear Delts Bb curls Skull crushers Calfs seated I avnt gota clue on sets...
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    Weighted dips

    Was gona give you a big storey but the top and bottom of it is ...... How do you guys do weighted dips??? (ie when you can lift heavier than your own body weight) The Wdip machine doesnt go heavy enuff any more, so iv been balancing dbs between my legs, however not only do i luk stupid, its...
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    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    Just wana let you all know that im an idiot and i thought i was far more nuts than i am. Frankly im disappointed how stupid i was. Iv done nout but moan about how easy the 15s were until today when i did the 2nd to last set of my 15s. I was nearly ill half way through, and had to sit down for...
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    Question about the unchallenging weights used.

    Gripstrength, you sound exactly the same as me. Im a natural skeptic (although my friends will say im just a moaner). Iv always trained similary to you and basically your opinion in that last post mirrors myn. I would love to see your routine if possible? Although iv started myn im not 100%...
  10. I

    HST and stomach

    Think the moral of the storey is ur f####d if you do and you f####d if you dont. The other thing you have to think of is, if youve gota bita fat and your goal is to geta 6pack ( like myn ;) ) the extra cardio you shoud be doing will prohibit the muscle you put on. So uv gota decide what you...
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    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    Thanks Kate i appreciate the response, however after reading the other posts I no it aint supposed to hurt. Id love to know what you think of the routine tho, as I say its just off the site. The only reason I said about the 15s being easy was that I need to know whether this routine is for...
  12. I

    HST and stomach

    I know what your sayn im just telln you what I heard from an experienced competitor. No ones answered my quezy yet tho??? PS Regarding them twists, I cant feel them at all and always thought them useless. However 3years ago I went to a gym in spain and all anyone did was oblique twists, (no...
  13. I

    Question about the unchallenging weights used.

    Gota disagree with you there micro. Depends what your used to. If uv been training for years like myself and usually work one bodypart a day until u cant move, the 15s arent that special (especially the early days). I mean have you ever been sick after a day of 15s, cause i have after my old...
  14. I

    HST and stomach

    My thoughts exactly, but at the same time havin a stronger stomach does help as a stabilizer in other exercises. I was told to just do loads of oblique twists to narrow your waste. But once again I just wanted to know what the HST crew do
  15. I

    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    Nahhh uv got me confused here..... Before I started this HST I trained with the strongest people from miles around. We just did super heavy and more and more sets every week. Therefore im finding HST very easy, more like a cardio workout. Thats why I was hoping someone would tell me if its the...
  16. I

    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    I started doin the HST 15s last week using the following routine (which I found on the main site!!! ).After reading everyone elses threads I realised that most people used half the exercises so I was wondering if this workout was rubbish??? (It was from the main site tho!!! ) SQUATS  2sets...
  17. I

    Question about the unchallenging weights used.

    All I can say nozza is why not give it a try, unless your a pro theres no reason why not too. The way I look at it, if I do finish this 8 week cycle the worst that can happen is i lose a few pounds and then I can go back to my old ways and I will grow more as of the shock to he body!! (but...
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    HST and stomach

    So i wont end up with a stomach like ronnie coleman then ;) How do would you go about encorporating HST techniques with stomach then??? As I say I really want to work on my lower stomach, the tops alright
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    HST and stomach

    Ive heard that from millions of competetive bodybuilders and read it in loadsa books. Aparently.... The stomach is like every other muscle i.e. if you train it regualary and properly it grows. Therefore it can make you look fat. Therefore iv been told only to do stomach a couple of months...
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    Youngest bodybuilder ?

    There was a program on him. Its always on discovery health or somethin. His dad was a bit crazy and made him train ALL day. + he was putn steroids in his drinks from the age of 2. Think they put his dad in jail, so he stopped avn his steroid drinks and turned into a normal looking kid. He was...