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  1. W

    your results with HST...

    nice work morded, way to go
  2. W

    Where are you from?

    born and raised in orange county new york- near west point (army military campus) i go to school in buffalo. as for the kid who said san jose is the capital of the country or world or whatever BAHAHHAHA. forgettabout cali- too high cost of living and los angeles is disgusting :) new york city...
  3. W

    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    i'll stay natural, smaller for sure, but natural. actually the more i think about it the less i think that getting huge is so awesome- maybe it's just a copout for me but i'd rather be functional my ex personal trainer has dropped like 30 pounds of muscle and now spends his time doin HUGE...
  4. W

    cla vs eca stack?

    i was wondering if bryan or anybody had the pros and cons of each or could make a recomendation....thanks
  5. W

    Try Primer and Driver Hot

    i wanted to avoid the shameless plug...but i definitely like the taste of primer and driver even in cold really doesn't bother me, just know that the driver is thicker os it requires more water to make it...drinkable as opposed to edible hehe... i def like it though... :D
  6. W

    glycerlean- bryan have you seen this?

    sorry, i'm not sure, i think it was next generation but my friend took the mag back....i'll get it back from him to double check then just edit my post hehe....sounds FAR superior to P/D....i'm glad i've already learned not to buy into the hype...seriously... my friend has this dang 75 dollar...
  7. W

    glycerlean- bryan have you seen this?

    check out glycerlean... i'm reading an article my friend brought over and it seems to work on the same principles as primer/ 13 times more growth than regular protein, blah blha....reading and summarizing for you guys... 600 percent more anti catabolic than casein...slows down...
  8. W

    Bryan, what's up with the fine print?

    *in a government conspiracy tone* body, what body? we dont' know anything about a body. We'll have to wait for our sources to confirm this. :D
  9. W

    fat loss supplements

    thanks a lot steve.....great article...guess i'll give a shot once i get some cash in hand...i hate being a college student who's true love is motorcycles followed closely by bodybuilding hehe...i love my f'n bike so my cash has to go into repairing that first, then gettin my body...
  10. W

    fat loss supplements

    i'm pluggin away at cardio, but seriously only the wall of fat on my midsection is holding me back from looking extremely cut. I was wondering if any of you guys have used any of the fat loss stuff out there, xenadrine, hydroxycut etc, and if you had good experiences with them- loss of muscle...
  11. W

    how big is everyone?

    i'd like to get some impressive pics of myself, but i havea l ong way to go, give me another couple of years, i'm about 12 months into working out as it is, so i'm on my way. We'll see in 2 more years.
  12. W

    how big is everyone?

    daaaaamn blade, thought that pic was of you too, yeah priest is nuts for a guy that size, but once again, those guys are all juiced very hard, how many of you actually use steroids i'm just wondering? if you're not competing then i don't see any use in it at all. right now i'm about 5'8...