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  1. L

    Quality Prohormones

    The question is: How far away from the boarder are you?
  2. L

    HSN considers making prohormone

    Now, you see what I was talking about!!
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    HSN considers making prohormone

    I think most PHs will give you an increase above your baseline a few days after the cycle. How it is delveried only has little to do with this. Like I said, IMO, the issue with the intra-nasal products is whether or not the mucous membranes can handle the frequency needed to invoke a physical...
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    HSN considers making prohormone

    I have used intra-nasal 4-AD for a pre-event stimulus. It worked great. I am not sure if the mucous membranes (or the throat) could handle PH application at the frequency needed to invoke a physical response. But for a pre-workout/pre-game stimulant it is awesome.
  5. L

    Other substances added to creatine...

    Bryan, who supplies your creatine? After reading a recent report, I am a little concerned with the purity of some of the suppliers. See: J Sports Med. Phys. Fitness 2001,Mar;41(1):1-10: (I have cut and only included the relevant part of the abstract) A major point that related to the...
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    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> Let's not forget the logic/argument flaw titled the &quot;genetic fallacy&quot;.
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    Prosteroid Legislation

    </span> <span =''> I did up the calories and increase volume and intensity for the 2 weeks I was &quot;on&quot;. Compared to just an increase in calories, the results were the same. In other words, MAG-10 (for me) was useless. I did not follow their program, I modified the one I was on...
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    Prosteroid Legislation

    </span> <span =''> Yes. This was my experience with MAG-10. But I am not going to join suit. Caveat emptor. I will just not buy anymore MAG-10 and tell people of my negative experience with MAG-10. FYI: One of the firms is also filing a class action...
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    What? You don't just read the abstract and conclusions and accept them as gospel!?!?!?!? I mean really, who need to actually analyze the entire study!!?!?!?!? ;)
  10. L

    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> That is just not true. Like I said, name a haven't and you can't becaue the term STABILZER is CONTEXTUAL. What I mean by &quot;contextual&quot; is that in some exercises, a muscle will be a prime mover, and in...
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    Prosteroid Legislation

    The supplement industry better get together fast and form a strong lobby, or the industry as a whole is gonna be gone. What is next? Ephedra for sure. Then, creatine. Then, protein powders....don't think so? How could they? Doesn't make sense does it? Wait and see. Congress doesn't...
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    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> Lil Scott Steiner.....LOL I recently did an interview with Brain Johnston for an online fitness mag, and he talked about his change in philosophy. So, he'd probably argue that he is no longer in the HIT camp. I love that Pullover....I wish I had access to one again...
  13. L

    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> </span> <span =''> I would have to do some research, but I am betting the coeffcients from those charts are an average. It does not make sense to me to have them be a &quot;minimal value&quot;. I have more to say, bit no time!! Cheers (are you from England?)
  14. L

    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> What does &quot;fractional effect&quot; mean? Second, the coeffcients you are using are from approximation charts. They are not absolute and are just quick and dirty numbers to use in calculations. So, the coeffcients are affected by acceleration (I mis-spoke earlier), among...
  15. L

    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> I would say that the fact a machine does not conform to the arc of its coresponding free weight movement is one of the advantages of a machine. For example, compare the arc Hammer Strength Bench to arc of a barbell bench. It is not even close, with the Hammer you get much...
  16. L

    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> Name a small stabilizer muscle that cannot be trained with a machine. The concept of the small-untrainable-except-by-dumbells is ludicrous.
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    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> Wie Geht's, Wie Steht's
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    </span> <span =''> So, are you saying take it only on the days you train? This seems to be implied in point #6.
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    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    I agree with Vince. Where the tension comes from is unimportant when looking specifically for hypertrophy (provided the machines are relatively &quot;frictionless&quot;). Vince, what is your patent number? I am an associate for a firm who works in patents and would love to look up your patent...
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    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span> <span =''> You lucky bastard!!! Where are you located, I would love to give them a whirl.