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  1. M

    does green tea really help immunity?

    Since you dont like the taste of green tea, you might want to try a tea called "matte". It is said to boost your immune system similarly to green tea, but it tastes GREAT!
  2. M

    creatine and HST

    Just a small comment on creatine usage. I took it some time ago without drinking enough water, and it gave me some very bad mood swings(aggressive). I tried it again recently (with plenty water consumption this time) and the mood swings dissapeared. My point - drink your water and Mr. C will...
  3. M

    l-carnitine and hst

    Why would someone want to be less sore after a workout? I LOVE that feeling of my muscles aching from a great workout!
  4. M

    has anyone tried the fat burner hydroxycut?

    I have tried the effedrine free version of hydroxycut - it seemed to wake me up a bit, but im sure i could have acheived the same results w/o this product. I would only recomend it if you do not see desireable results with regular cardio and proper nutrition. Basically, in my experience, its...
  5. M

    how big is everyone?

    hey guys - im new to this forum, and I am excited about it. Im 6'3 and 203, not too big yet but ill get there. I dont use steroids.