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  1. F

    Fred´s Log

    Hi all. So what has been going on last weeks, here is a quick follow up: From 18.5.2015 to 5.7.2015 i did 2 blocks of DUP training. Results: Down from 84 to 80 Kgs BP still 90Kgs Deadlift up 10kgs to 150 (and it felt not like a RPE 10 but i failed at 160kgs so lests say 150kgs) Squat up 5kgs to...
  2. F

    Fred´s Log

    Still alive, deadlifting didnt broke me in half yet. Not really many time to update here. Will try to post everything next weekend.
  3. F

    Fred´s Log

    20.5.2015 P-85.3 (-2.5kg) Finally felt recovered from the boose. BP 5*3 80Kgs (90% of max 1 rep) RPE 9 Deadlift 4*8 100kgs (70% 1 max rep) RPE 10, again first 2 sets easy, last one is a killer Chin ups 3*5 20kgs RPE 9/10
  4. F

    Fred´s Log

    19.5.2015 - Cutting P- 84.3 (-3.5kg) Deadlift 5*3 112.5Kg (80%1rep max) RPE 8 Squat 4*4 92.5kgs (80% 1 rep max) RPE 10 BP 4*8 65kg (70% 1 max rep) RPE 10 first 2 sets really easy, the last 2 were a pain...
  5. F

    Fred´s Log

    18.5.2015- Cutting P - 84.2 (3.6kg) Squat 5x3 92.5kg (80% 1rep max) RPE 10 BP 4x4 72kg (80% 1rep max) RPE 8 Overhead Press 3x5 45Kg RPE 9 S.L. Benfica was crowned champion (Portuguese soccer), party hard yesterday, but this was still light enough with the exception of the squats.
  6. F

    Fred´s Log

    So for now will stop HST. Why? Well as you can see i am on a cut and i am working over 90% and improving when i can. This is taking its toll on my recovery and joints. Leaves no room for form practice and mentally its a big challenge to start the workout. BEAR IN MIND THAT THIS WAS THE BEST...
  7. F

    Fred´s Log

    16.5.2015- Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW: 85.1 (-2.7kg) Deadlift 140kgs (+10kg) 2+2+1 Last one was to failure, could not perform another half rep. Pendlay Row 1x5 85 (+5kg) 2+2+1 Chins BW+27.5 (+7.5kgs) 4+2 Barbell...
  8. F

    Fred´s Log

    15.5.2015 Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW 85.6 (-2.2kg) Squat 105 kg 2+1+2+1 (+5 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless. BP 1x5 85kgs 4+3 (+5kgs) RPE 10 Dips 1x5 - BW+27.5 kg (+7.5 kgs) (3+2) RPE 10 Overhead Press 3+2 52.5kg (+2.5...
  9. F

    Fred´s Log

    14.5.2015- Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg) Deadlift 140kgs (+10kg) Failed all reps. did 120x5, practiced form Pendlay Row 1x5 85 (5kg) 2+2+1 Chins BW+27.5 (+7.5kgs) 3+3 Barbell Curls 6+4 41kgs Glute Ham...
  10. F

    Fred´s Log

    13.5.2015 Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW 85.6 (-2.2kg) Squat 100kg 3+3+2+2 (+0 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless. BP 1x5 85kgs 3+2 (+5kgs) RPE 10 Going for a PR of 90x1 .... Starting to lift... Went down touched the chest.. NOW...
  11. F

    Fred´s Log

    12.5.2015- Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg) Received relative for the weekend, i was meant to workout early on saturday but they arrived very early and so i could only perform the Deadlift 9..5.15 Deadlift...
  12. F

    Fred´s Log

    11.5.2015 Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW 86.6 (-1.2kg) Starting to setle ;) Will start to work by 10 target reps on the squat and Deadlift staying away from failure. Squat 100kg 4+2+2+2 (+0 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless. No...
  13. F

    Fred´s Log

    Yup i also think so. The carbs were high so a lot of water retention. Will workout in 5' so i will post here a new weight.
  14. F

    Fred´s Log

    9.5.2015 AND 10.5.2015- Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg) / 10.5.15 88kg (+0.2 kg whaaaaaattt?), i overate all weekend but still seems too much. Received relative for the weekend, i was meant to workout early...
  15. F

    Fred´s Log

    8.5.2015 Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW 85.6 (-2.2kg) Squat 100kg 3+2 (+0 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless. No pain. Far from failure and i will keep it that way. BP 1x5 85kgs 4+2 (+5kgs) had help in the last rep. Dips 1x5 -...
  16. F

    Fred´s Log

    7.5.2015 - Cutting In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight. BW: 85.4 (-2.3kg) Deadlift 135kgs (+5kg) 3+2, after watching the videos and got the feedbacks i went on search to improve my tecnich. Got a great videon on AthleanX (i think thats...
  17. F

    Fred´s Log

    Thanks tim, thats were i started in the first place - Stronglifts, the program that makes win strenght very fast but in the end you will burn out, get injured and swear a lot ;) But still has great info on the main lifts form.
  18. F

    Fred´s Log

    You mean that in the squats i should be less upright by pushing the hips back?
  19. F

    Fred´s Log

    Ok. Here they are: Squats (these are from february, those were my 100kg 3 reps max): Deadlift, last session Last 3 reps on a total of 5+3: By the way added a Deadlift one feel free to coment form here as i will delete the videos soon. Feel free to coment as soon as i can i will do a 1...
  20. F

    Fred´s Log

    I cant seem to insert a video. Gives a security error. Whats the max size and compatible file types? Mp4?