1 ex/muscle VS 2 ex/muscle?


New Member
I wondered how many of you here were doing 2 exercises for bigger muscles (chest, back, etc...) in the same workout?

or why one could/should aim to 1 exercise or 2/muscle group?

i do vertical and horizontal pulls and pushes for chest and back

Most of us would either do two exercises fro the bigger groups at once or alternated per workout.

It stands to reason as for example:

Most emphasis on each exercise

(lower lats and back) - Chinups reverse grip
(upper back, rhomboids and traps) - Low row with cable /Pendlay rows or T-bar rows

Dips (Lower chest)
Incline Bench press (upper and medium chest area)

Anyway, if you want to know more visit exrx.net and check out the muscle charts, but it is productive to do two type that hit different areas.

Even for smaller muscles like the biceps, one should do incline curls for the apex and either zotman or hammer curls for the muscle length.

This question leads to extreme amounts of rambling
During 15s and 10s I do two (sometimes three for back for just one extra set) for chest, back and upper legs. During 5s I have been dropping to one exercise and alternating exercises mainly so I can get all my sets done in time.
For a three times per week workout, I do 3 exercises for major muscles, such as chest, back, legs and shoulders, in giant set format, one set each. For instance, for chest I do DB incline bench press, dips and flat bench flyes. No rest between sets. Then I move on the the next body part. I find it so intense that I probably could not do a decent second set if I wanted to. For minor body parts such as bis and tris, I just do one set of one exercise.
Just one exercise most of the time.

However Old and Grey I tried your Giant set and it hurt !!!

I loved the pain.
I asked this because of the fact that I found my workout to be bit long (1h20 aprox) and wanted to shorten it a bit while doing full body... university and work are killing my free time and I'm trying to make everything work within 3 WO/week.. doing the antagonist muscles is actually killing me, since I'm so tired after my set that I have to wait like 2min then do my other muscle's exercise...
Here's my current w/o:

Deadlifts/Squats - alternated
15° B/B benchpress - each day as i have no dip station, if you do alternate with dips
Chins (underhand close grip)/Seated Cable Rows (Low pulley) alternated
Military press - each day
Abs (personal choice)

Off days

Tabata on cycle - 4 minutes
Incline Lateral Raises + Rear lateral raises
Incline Curls (D/B)
Cable tricep extension (flat)
deadlift ...pull
shoulder- press...push
3 days/week:

Seated Rows
Incline Bench
Weighted ChinUps (close underhand, wide overhand)
Weighted Dips
Romanian Deadlifts (alternating/mixed grip)

so, yeah. basicly 2 exs per muscle group.. this works well for me.