10 rep cycle: am i doing right here? help!


New Member
just finished the first 2 weeks on 15's...

did : 2 x squat, 2 x leg curl, 2 x bench, 1 x dips, 2 x pulldown, 2 x bent over rows, 1 x shoulder press, 1 x laterals, 1 x bent over laterals, 2 x shrugs, 2 x bicep curls, 2 x triceps pushdowns, 2 x calves...

in teh 10 rep cycle, should i keep it the same or do i cut it down to 1 exercise and 1 - 2 sets per muscle???

and if doing 2 sets, is it a problem if you won't get the 10 resp in the 2nd set?

in chest exercise, is decline bench or dumbell press as good as dips?
People do various forms of HST. I do 2 sets on every exercise for every rep. scheme. But I've read people who say they do 1 set for 15, 2 for 10 and 3 sets for the 5 rep. scheme. I just started my first HST cycle so I cant report any results, but I like the way I have been feeling thus far.

As for not getting the 10 reps on your second set. I was told by the experts here that is not a problem. Once your rythmn is broke on your second set you should stop, you should only lift to failure on your second set for every rep. scheme on your last work out of that scheme, which is your max week. The 2nd set is like a bonus set.
thanks... would you do 1 or two exercises on chest/back/shoulders?

i did 2 sets for bench in 15 reps and 1 set dip

2 sets pulldowns and 2 sets bent over rows

1 set barbel shoulder press 1 set side laterals 1 set bent over laterals

would that be too much on 10 reps?
Here is my workout, I do 2 sets for each exercise on every rep scheme. I ran my workout by the experts and they found nothing wrong with it. Here are the exercises in this particular order.

Leg curls
Standing Calf raises
Flat bench
Bent-over rows
Lat pulldowns
Dummbell presses
Bar curls
Tricep pull downs (with the rope)

Thats basically it.