15s, 12s, 10s, 8s vs normal HST

Yeah, I ve seen some people with HST schedule like 15s, 12s, 10s, 8s, 6s. HOwever, I ve not seen any article that explain it nor any big talk on it. IT looks effective and I know you only do one week for each rep range. However how is it different from the normal 15, 10, 5 HST. I really dont understand thanks
think of HST as a concept. Bryan wrote 15 10 5 because it would be much easier for the noobs like me to understand. As long as you incoporate the main aspects such as incrementing the loads frequently(which is fine with 15s, 12s, 10s, 8s, 6s) then you are fine. Think of the HST calculator as a guideline in terms of reps and junk, you can fiddle with all of it as long as you follow HST concepts.
