1st HST cycle


New Member
i'm about to start the 2nd week of 15's in my 1st HST cycle and i'm pretty hype. after only 3 workouts and focusing on eating more quality protein and substituting all drinks to just plain water, everyone can already see that something is "different". My legs are feeling tighter (in my skin and my pants) my waist hasnt grown, my weight is the same, and my normally fatter "upper" half is looking slimmer! people at my job are asking me if im losing weight and i say 'No, just fat' lol. i do abosolutely no cardio and am not particularly trying to loose fat. I've just been following the priciples to a "t". heres my program done in superset fashion:
5min walk (warm up)
1)Squats -2sets;
SLDL -2sets
2)BB Row -2sets;
BB Bench- 2sets
3)Iso High Row- 2sets;
DB incline bench- 2sets
4)Widegrip upright rows- 2sets;
Donkey raises - 2sets
Thats my entire program. No necessarily sore, but definitely have that "tight" feeling between workouts. workout gets done a about 40minutes (including warm up) too! i cant wait to see what happens by the end of the 15s and into the 10s.
I am starting to become a big fan of HST with compounds only for overall size gains. We are starting to see that more and more...dont get me wrong Isolation are always needed to help certain stubborn areas.

I think your program looks great and just wait until the end of cycle.

Welcome to HST, and to growing again!
Great work :D

Simple enough program, yet effective, I think you will surprise yourself.

The only thing I really hate about HST is that you end up having to buy new clothes. :mad:

I have noticed that three pairs of my favourite Levi's are getting waaaay to tight I can hardly sit to drive the car to work.

Today, I had to go and change a shirt I got for my birthday (the missus both me a small - the same size as always),
got to the shop and ended up taking the large as the medium just fitted my biceps, space would have filled up too soon.

Hey...there could be much worst things I guess.

Happy growth mate!
I was surprised too at my gains during the first cycle, and they continued throught the 2nd. HST is great stuff. Keep at it.
