2nd HST Workout need Advice ! ( shoulder problems ).


New Member
Hello guys I wanna show you guys my 2nd HST workout routine and hope to receive some feedback on my 3rd Routine.

Monday: -----Wednesday:
Sqaut----- Leg press
Sqaut lunges ------- Hamstring Curls
Chin up ( weighted )------ Lat pull down
Wide grip Row -----Close grip row
Dumbell press ------ Decline Press
Incline press -------Standing cable fly (under 90 degree shoulder flexion)
Lateral raise + front raise----- Same
Straight bar curl ----- Ez curl
Hammer curl ------- Reverse curl
Triceps extensions -------Triceps extensions EZ bar
Tricep cable. -----Triceps Wide grip bar.

Then friday is the same as monday,

The next week will be the Wednesday work out on monday and friday.

I do 2 sets of each excersise and when i get to around 7-5 reps the sets will be 3.


So far this has been going well i've been making some gains.. but im 100% sure this isn't the best workout
Beqause i've been struggeling with a shoulder problem limiting my excersise possibilites.
- I cannot do things over 90 degree shoulder Anteflexion (no shoulder presses, overhead triceps skull crushers etc... )
- I cannot Do dips
- My dumbel press / all chest excersises weights are really low around 5 - 7 kg beqause my shoulder is to weak when my chest isnt.
- I cannot deadlift Lower back injuries

Besides those points i can pretty much do everything...

So I really need some help from you guys, i really love to work with HST program it really keeps me motivated to work out always.
I would love some advice for my next HST workout ( 3rd time ), regarding the excersises and the best way to avoid those shoulder injury points but meanwhile still maintaining maximum efficiency in my excersises.

The way i workout is, i begin in week 1, 15 reps week 2, 13 reps etc etc.. this works for me and i find it really nice to bump up those kg's each week and the at 7 reps mostly do around 3 sets.

Thanks alot guys hope to receive some feedback soon from you guys!
In general you want to strengthen the scapular muscles in order to strengthen your weak shoulders. Lots of rows, laterals, rear deltoid work, rotator cuff work, push-ups, etc.

Once you are strict rowing a good amount of weight and strengthen your rotator cuff to the point of more shoulder stability, you may notice a resumed ability to do certain movements. In the mean time, your alternative exercises should suffice.