3 day split workouts



I'm just curious about training on a 3 day split.

By that I mean
Mon - Group A exercises
Tues - Group B exercises
Wed - Group C exercises
Thur - Group A exercises
Fri - Group B exercises
Sat - Group C exercises

Is this a viable training schedule for HST?

The reason I ask is because I have limited time to workout, but I can workout daily.

Currently, I'm doing a two day split. I don't workout Sunday I've just got too much family stuff to do.

I can't recall where I read it on HST, but I think I read something about the muscles need appx 48 hours and then they need to be loaded again. That would pretty well rule out a 3 day split.

Well, here is the answer to my question. I found it in the articles under FAQ.

"Now these are just generalizations. HST uses specific methods in order to take advantage of these principles. Namely:

48 hour Training Schedule: In order to take advantage of the muscles adaptive capacity, each muscle group is trained on a 48 hour schedule.

Mandatory Increase in training Load: Weight loads are increased each workout to ensure adequate potency of the training stimulus.

Strategic Deconditioning: Recognizing the Repeated Bout Effect, HST incorporates SD to maintain sensitivity of the muscle to the loading stimulus."
Hey domineaux,

What would each routine look like? I think you may have forgotten to mention the increased frequency in addition to load progression and SD. If workout C overlaps similar muscle groups but with different excercizes, I suppose there would be no problem. My only concern would be that you may only hit a particular muscle group twice, instead of three times, a week. Pretty sure this is why most people do 6 day splits (A/B).

Glad to see that your getting on well with your program.

Assuming what you are proposing is 3 different full body workouts, that is fine. A muscle can be worked more frequently than every 48 hours. It can be worked every day, twice per day, every hour, etc, as long as the volume and intensity is appropriately adjusted. For the best hypertrophy, I believe that science is now showing that a muscle should be worked at least once every 48 hours, not a maximum of once every 48 hours.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ May 29 2005,9:24)]Assuming what you are proposing is 3 different full body workouts, that is fine. A muscle can be worked more frequently than every 48 hours. It can be worked every day, twice per day, every hour, etc, as long as the volume and intensity is appropriately adjusted. For the best hypertrophy, I believe that science is now showing that a muscle should be worked at least once every 48 hours, not a maximum of once every 48 hours.
I'm sorry I didn't make it clear enough. I only have 1-1/2 hours to workout - can't change that.

Here is my current 2 day split workout

Group A
Abs Crunch

Group B


I'm finishing off each day with 30 minutes cardio at brisk walk on Treadmill. I cannot do without the cardio, it is as important to every workout as the weight training. I'm interested to increase my cardio time as well.

The Group A (lower body) workout is fine w/2 sets x 15 reps for time. I can complete it in time to do a full 3/4 hour cardio. I realize next week I'm into the 10s and they won't require as much time.

I was thinking I could probably add in a couple exercises in the 10s. Actually, this may be the best course. Afterall, I've probably covered the muscle groups adequately in the 15s to avoid injury.

I'm not exactly pleased with the idea of picking up exercises in the 10s and 5s, because I think the 15s are too important a part of the HST progression.

Currently, I'm not doing Presses, kickbacks, rows, pullovers and some other great upper body compound exercises. If I could do a 3 day split I was thinking I could workout more effectively by adding in some of these exercises.

My results have been so good as far as gaining and toning on HST. I hate to mess with the "balance" in my training

I'm just aware I'm not doing some great upper body exercises that would be very beneficial.