3 full workouts in 3 days, very little soreness


New Member
so I havent felt sore for the last 2 weeks doing 3x a week, fullbody workouts so I decided to try something stupid...do 1 weeks worth of workouts in 3 days.

I am growing like the staypuff marshmellow man in Ghostbusters so there was no real reason, but I was coerced into going to the gym on monday so I decided to try it.

Mild soreness now, 5 hours later, I ate about 4500 calries a day for the last 4 days too, just super hungry. I did end up hurting the back of my shoulder on monday so I left it out in tuesday also.

now for a well deserved 2 days off...

any good input, comments, reasons to never do this again?


squats: 5r x 2s @175lbs

leg press: 5r x 2s @290lbs

back pullups: 5r x 3s @20lbs

shrugs: 5r x 2s @180lbs

cable rows: 5r x 2s @145lbs

dumbbell flat bench: 5r x 3s @130lbs

cable lat lifts: 5r x 2s @35lbs

arnie press: 5r x 2s @100lbs

tandem cable backlifts: 5r x 2s @30lbs

preacher curls: 5r x 2s @65lbs

tricep pull downs:5r x 2s @65lbs


leg press: 5r x 2s @310lbs
(this isn't my 5RM, but its a new exercise so I'm taking it slow)

back pullups: 5r x 2s @25lbs

shrugs: 5r x 2s @200lbs

cable rows: 5r x 2s @145lbs

dumbbell flat bench: 5r x 2s @140lbs

cable lat lifts: 5r x 2s @35lbs
(this is very close to failure already, I wont be adding more weight)

arnie press: 5r x 2s @110lbs

tandem cable backlifts: 5r x 2s @34lbs
(I had a shoulder protest loudly on my second set so I stoped, feels fine now tho)

preacher curls: 5r x 2s @70lbs

tricep pull downs:5r x 2s @70lbs


squats: 5r x 2s @185lbs

back pullups: 5r x 2s @25lbs

shrugs: 5r x 2s @180lbs

cable rows: 5r x 2s @145lbs

dumbbell flat bench: 5r x 2s @140lbs

cable lat lifts: 5r x 2s @35lbs

arnie press: 5r x 2s @110lbs
(strange how the shoulder felt fine with this)

tandem cable backlifts: 0
(avoided it cuz my shoulder was protesting before, tried a 80% set and it felt fine but decided to not push it.)

preacher curls: 5r x 2s @70lbs

tricep pull downs:5r x 2s @65lbs
(shoulder felt a little off with 70, so I droped to 65 and all was well)
oops, I found Capitolcitykids frequency post and onemorerep's topic on frequency also, answered most of my questions.

I do still wonder about my recovery ability though, since to be honest I worked very close to failure on back-pullups, dumbbell-incline-bench, Arnie-press, and preacher curls 3 days in a row, and didnt lose strength on any till the 3rd day, and only in biceps and chest. all others were still fine.

I will have to do more research on CNS damage and recovery time and the long term effects of CNS strain, and the local effects of CNS strain, as per specific muscles responding differently to CSN strain...

although if anyone wants to give me a quick sumary or a quick link I wouldn't mind
Too much volumn in too little time. To do daily, or twice daily frequency, you need to lower the volume. However, if you do not plan on working out again this week, the volume is okay. If you plan on working out more than 3 days per week, you probably need to adjust your volume downward, assuming, of course, that you are working with just normal testosterone levels.
well I took 2 days off for work so I rested up. I will lower the volume a bit, but I plan on working out 4-5 times a week now.

It could just be my perception, but I feel bigger than I was just 2 weeks ago already.

I did a little scratching on testosterone levels and I fit the FBI profile of someone with high levels, but I should mention that I'm 100% natural btw.

I am a super noob when it comes to BB, the more I learn the more I realize just how much there is to know...could spend 2 lifetimes just reading....

I feel very lucky to have been directed to this forum though, a great wealth of knowledge, experience, and helpfull members is a great way to start.

thanks guys.
and thanks to Bryan for everything.


The only reliable way to test T levels is through a blood test although I have heard, but have no experience with, T tests thru saliva. If you start to feel burnout, cut back on the number of exercises. Less is usually better.