3rd cycle of hst - shoulder injured


Hello again .....

been a while since I logged on here and I have made huge progress with my hst training in that time.
im so glad I found this system.

I now weigh 13 stone 3 (with the help of creatine) previously I was 12,7.
I am currently on my 3rd hst cycle and am in the 2nd week of the 5s so nearing the end.

My new 5 rep maxes are as follows ..

Deadlift - 180 kg ..4x5
bench - 100 kg... 3x5
hack squat - 110 kg... 4x5
horizontal leg press - full stack... 4x5
db bench press - 42kg each hand... 4x5
pulley row - full stack ...3x5
machine fly - full stack...3x5
db shoulder press - 32 kg each hand ...3x5
weighted chin ups - 25 kg plate ..4x5

i also include iso work but the above are my bread and butter excercises...

im afraid I had to get rid of squats because after many years of doing them I just can't seem to use good form when going heavy ... And in the interest of actually making progress I would rather switch to something that isn't going to cripple me or have me spinning my wheels for many more years while I try to perfect the form...

But anyways I've hit a speedbump in my training and feeling pretty pissed about it seeing as I was progressing so well....

My left shoulder started hurting last week , but me being the stubborn bugger that I am , I've been training through it ever since .... And the pain has gotten completely unbearable now which is pretty much going to force me to take a break :(
this couldn't come at a worse time seeing as I've just come to the end of my 2nd week of the 5s and I was really looking forward to attempting new personal bests (although my current maxes are my absolute max efforts which have been very taxing on me this last week) but I'm sure if I didn't have this stupid injury I could eek out a few extra gains... But the form may suffer badly so maybe it's for the best that I just stop here and try again in the next cycle ...

Im just a little unsure what to do now at this point with this huge set back... Should I take my SD now and hope that it heals in a week then start a new cycle with a super light introductory week .... Or should I just carry on but ditch the shoulder and chest exercises ???

The pain is pretty severe with any pressing movements... but I can still do leg exercises and deads....

in my last cycle I actually experimented with a week of 20 reps on everything before moving on to the 15s and 10s etc etc and it felt amazing .. Only 1 week after the sd but it certainly made a difference and gave me a great full body pump prior to knuckling down with the 15s - I will probably do this again when the shoulder is healed as it will be a nice gentle way to get it moving again...

But anyways sorry for rambling .... Just feeling pretty shit about this as I've never had an injury before in my 10 years of training and every online source I read seems to say that shoulder injuries are serious and can take months to heal..... I'm hoping mine is just a strain or something but in all honesty it's hurting pretty bad with most movements and I'm naturally fearing the worst :(
Sorry to hear about your injury. I have found there is a lot of online formation on joint pains and options to rehab yourself. I used to play a lot of volleyball and I messed up my shoulders due to improper form. After a lot of rest and some self proscribed physical therapy I was able to heal them pretty well. As long as you don't need surgery you might be able to fix it yourself.
SD immediately. Take two weeks off. See how it feels. I have done some injury prevention and self-rehab for minor rotator cuff problems using light face pulls and external rotations with bands. However, if it is still very sore after your SD, better get it checked out. Shoulder surgery, when absolutely necessary, is a long recovery process.