

New Member
I'm on my 2nd cycle of hst, following the original scheme 2x15s,2x10s and 2x5s with 8 exercise (leg press,sldl,inc. bb bench,bb rows,seat mil. press,bb curl,skullcrusher and calf raises).
If I decide to do 3x5s, should I decrease the number of exercises to 5, dropping bis,tris and calves, or keep the same number of exercises ?

One popular method is to do 3 sets of the compounds and only one set of isolations.

Why aren't u doing proper deads and squats?
(nipponbiki @ Jan. 04 2007,04:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why aren't u doing proper deads and squats?</div>
My original wo was squat &amp; sldl, but I had to drop squats after 15s of 2nd cycle because I feel pain in my outer upper quadriceps (both legs) when I go down squatting. I begun feeling this pain after 10s of my 1st cycle. I don't know what it is, but the only solution I see is to do leg presses. They hurt less during leg presses. I hope it will disappear soon.
Do you think I should substitute sldl with deadlifts ?

Thank you

I think you should drop the iso`s and the calfs. And to do 4*5 With 4 compounds. And to add one drop set on the end of each exercise ( 10 reps with your rm15 weight). But it`s only my opinion.
Depends on why it's hurting.

Were you doing ATG squats? Most of us around here believe parallel squats hurt and ATG squats heal.

Do ATG, drop SLDL, do normal deads, do Pendlay BB rows.
(nipponbiki @ Jan. 04 2007,07:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Depends on why it's hurting.

Were you doing ATG squats? Most of us around here believe parallel squats hurt and ATG squats heal.</div>
Unfortunately I don't know why it's hurting.
I feel pain on 80% of range of motion during ATG squat. The highest peak is reached when legs are parallel to the floor.
That's weird, man! If you're sure it's muscle and not joint problems, (and it sounds like it) it should be easy to fix.
I recommend some serious stretching and companion exersizes, like bw squats by 20, adding weight each time. It would sound like an impingement of a nerve or something, except that you're getting it in BOTH legs? That just sounds like a conditioning problem to me. Your body probably just isn't taking to jumping right into the big compounds, not knowing your BB history. I had a similar problem with leg extensions (back when I used to do them) at first...lactic acid buildup was crippling to me, so I started light and went on to huge weights.
(quadancer @ Jan. 04 2007,07:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your body probably just isn't taking to jumping right into the big compounds, not knowing your BB history.</div>
I started BB 16 years ago (now I'm 37). Until 2 months ago, when I started HST, I used to train each muscle group once a week with 3 wo per week. I did 3 exercises for legs, leg press, leg ext. and some kind of squat (smith mach., parallel, dumbbell etc.). I don't know if my problem is due to the fact that I begun doing squats 3 times per week. During last cycle I did 10s and 5s going through pain, but now it's too much. Yesterday my legs were hurting (less) even during leg presses. I don't know if I should take some antiinflammatory.
Leg presses, extensions and curls wont solve the problem in your legs.
Have your back checked by a Doctor and make sure it is not a pinched nerve or a joint problem.

FWIW: I had a slight sciatica the past two weeks and I dropped my Squats and Deadlift weights but continued doing the movements: Front Squats ATG and normal deads.

The sciatica is GONE. Last year I had a small tear in the sheath covering the Achilles Tendon.
I did the same thing with weight reduced squats and after two weeks the problme was gone.
My orthopedic was befuddled when I told him what I did. I had to school him in that there are many reports showing that Active rehabilitaionis FAR better than Passive. When it comes to Tendons and cartilage, the effect is even greater in that weight training increases blood flow and this is a big benefit for tissues which have a lesser quantity of vascularization, such as tendons and cartilage.

With proper form and less weight, it is my belief that you get the effect of going to a chiropracter.

PROPER FORM and REDUCED WEIGHT are KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would suggest that you find the cause of the pain before wasting time with Leg presses which are FAR MORE dangerous for your back than you may think. There is a lot more stress placed on the lower back at the bottom of the movement as the back is immobilized whereas in the squat Sheer forces are dissipazted throghh the hip and not placed directly on the lower back.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PROPER FORM and REDUCED WEIGHT are KEY</div>

You're right, but my legs now hurts with 15 reps @ 70% 1 rm.
They even hurt a little bit with only bodyweight squat !

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Leg presses which are FAR MORE dangerous for your back than you may think</div>

You're right again. Now I'm doing single leg leg presses. They are more difficult than regular leg presses!
Sometimes legs problams comes when you are not keep on stretching the muscles. I do 6 strecth exercise, 30 seconds for each one, every day and it helps.
Stretching is a controversial undertaking. Clearly, it is beneficial to stretch afterwards but it can be argued that stretching B4 reduces the power one can generate as the muscle is at its optimal tension b4 the movement.