4 specific questions !!


New Member
what are your experiences ?

1)are higher increments producing higher hypertrophy ??

the second thing is what latinblast said to me in another post:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As you know in HST SD is about 9-10 days, this is not only to clear your CNS, where only 1 wk approx is required; but also for your tendoms, ligaments and joints in general to get unused to the heavy weight you impossed on them, so, the aim is to achieve hypertrophy without stressing your joints too much in the long run..... so, to overcome this by still using HST you can decrease your SD to 1 week only... remember, the extra 2-3 days that we use is for the joints to get unused to heavy poundages </div>
shout outs to latin here

ok if that is the point with the cns and the joints so that is interesting and accepted !!
But i think we all do make sd to get the muscles deconditioned off the heavy weights, so that we can start with the lighter weights and that we can add every traininday or every other day more load because this is producing hypertrophy....!

2)so how much days sd is needed to accomplish this ?

the third thing has to do with the rbe and heavy weights

old and grey said this to me:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also, you should not worry about extending the 5's to 4 to 6 weeks. The RBE sets in very slowly with heavier weights.</div>
shout outs to o&amp;g here too

3)so from where is this knowledge? sorry i believe you man but i`m interested. how much workouts with the same weight would be fine in the 5`s ??

the fourth thing is only a simple question (i think)

4) whats the real difference of a strategic deconditioning (sd) and a deloading ? (why sais bryan to make a SD ? i think deloading would be fine too, when starting after that with heavier loads than after sd)

so i thought to make 4 different threads, but now im doing one thread and hope your answers and the discussion can be good readable....
if you can write the numbers of the questions to your answers.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1)are higher increments producing higher hypertrophy ??</div>

Yes, but as long as you eat. Some people will go 12x/week and eat 5,000 calories a day and have a monster cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2)so how much days sd is needed to accomplish this ?</div>

It's trial and error to see what is efficient for you. My SD's have ranged from one to three weeks. The general rule of thumb is: the longer the cycle you came off of, the longer the SD. I like to do two week SD's.

I can't answer question 3 without looking it up.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">4) whats the real difference of a strategic deconditioning (sd) and a deloading ? (why sais bryan to make a SD ? i think deloading would be fine too, when starting after that with heavier loads than after sd)</div>

This is a good question to bring up. Totentanz, Jester, and myself among others had a debate about this back in winter...

Not lifting at all seems to be the most efficient way to ward off RBE as well as rest your CNS, tendons, and joints. Regarding dealoding though, the question was, &quot;What are the minimum amount of reps needed for a successful deload?&quot; 30 reps seemed to be the general consensus. When bulking, I don't see the point in deloading as the weight will be so light, it's effect on hypertrophy will be next to nothing. However, I think it would be great for cutting for obvious reasons.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
1)are higher increments producing higher hypertrophy ??

Yes, but as long as you eat. Some people will go 12x/week and eat 5,000 calories a day and have a monster cycle. </div>

In the long run (actually, just short run, only a cycle long), as long as you increment enough, making increments bigger isn't an issue. You'll end up with the same weight at the end, and you should have had the same cycle length anyway. You just ended up working with different weights on different days for different periods of time. No big deal. So increment at your pleasure, as long as it's good enough (at least 5lbs for upper body and 10 for lower body is the general wisdom here)

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">... the extra 2-3 days that we use is for the joints to get unused to heavy poundages</div>
I maybe wrong as I've been gone for a few months... but 2-3 days extra will hardly do anything for SD. And one week enough for CNS? That also depends on how much you have (or have not) fried it. This will depend on how heavy you got and how often you have (or have not) trained to failure, how often you train, and just generally how &quot;intense&quot; (for lack of a better word) you train and how you manage your daily stress.

Taking care of your joints has more to do with the 15's due to lactic acid, not really just resting them (but of course you need that too)

How long to SD, as Colby already mentioned, depends on the cycle you just finished. 9-14 is ok. Start from there. If you feel you need more (by experience here), then extend it, perhaps you've been to a monstrous 12-16 week cycle so you may need it.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

Also, you should not worry about extending the 5's to 4 to 6 weeks. The RBE sets in very slowly with heavier weights.

shout outs to o&amp;g here too

3)so from where is this knowledge? sorry i believe you man but i`m interested. how much workouts with the same weight would be fine in the 5`s</div>
The thing is, RBE actually &quot;sets in&quot; right after adaptation. Yes, that probably means even before your next workout, but that doesn't mean your next workout is useless if you don't increment.

Think of RBE in gradually increasing levels, not just a &quot;YES&quot; or &quot;NO&quot; answer to the question &quot;Is my next workout gonna do something for me?&quot;

Your next workout will *definitely* be less effective than your last if you don't increment, but generally it won't be useless. It actually takes a few weeks for RBE to completely make a given weight useless (given that the weight is significant enough, which depends on how heavy you can lift).

That is what prompted O&amp;G (and a lot of others, I'm sure) to give the advice to extend the 5's for two weeks (or however long) - we just want to be sure that before we call the cycle quits, we have squeezed out every bit of hypertrophy we can get from it. Makes sense, doesn't it?

I have about 9 studies about RBE in my computer. 8 in .doc format, 1 in PDF. If you are interested, tell me and post your email address here. Don't send me a PM as I think our messaging is currently not working.
(Just to warn you in case you are expecting something else, I'm not sure if any of those 9 studies WILL answer your specific question; but what I'm sure of is that it will give you a lot more knowledge on the matter. Sorry, I just can't remember them all without having to read them all again, as I have a ton of studies read and saved.)

There is also an old thread (threads, actually) about RBE. You can try digging them up as well.

I hope I helped you out a bit.
