4 week cycle help


New Member
I am on my 9th day of my SD after a 10 week HST with 6 weeks of the 5's and plan to start back tomorrow. I was initially planning a full cycle but I just booked a week long vacation to the beach in exactly four weeks. So I am trying to come up with the most effective 4 week cycle.

I have some fat to lose so I will be doing some cutting while upping my cardio a little. I want to make sure I don't lose any muscle and possibly build muscle, though that's less important to me in the near term than losing a little fat.

I think my options are these, feel free to give me other suggestions not included in my list:
1. 2 weeks of 15's, 2 weeks of 10's. For the strong metabolic effect
2. 2 weeks of 15's for the metabolic effect and then 2 weeks of 5's
3. 1 week of 15's, 1 week of 10's, 2 weeks of 5's.
4. Start where I left off before my SD and go to my 5 rep maxes and try to continue adding weight for the next four weeks
5. Accelerated 5x5 program
6. Metabolic lower body workout with high rep/lower weight squats and deadlifts with higher weight/lower rep upper body
7. Any other suggestions?
I'd go for 1 week of 10s, 2 weeks of regular 5s and 1 week of negs or trying for new PRs. Regular full body 3x week.
3. 1 week of 15's, 1 week of 10's, 2 weeks of 5's.