4th Cycle


New Member
I started my 4th cycle. I have done 3 cycles of HST this year and then did a full 5x5 cycle and now I am back for my fourth round of HST. While I like HST better, doing a 5x5 after three cycles of HST was amazing for me. My strength ballooned and now I am lifting on my 15's what I was doing for my 10's on my last cycle. My bench increased 25 pounds.

1st Workout:
Bench 2x15x140
Pendlay Row 2x15x135
Deadlift 1x15x195
Back Squat 1x15x170
Military Press 1x15x75
Friday's Workout:
Bench 1x15x155
Pendlay 1x15x155
Deadlifts 1x15x215
Squats 1x15x195
Military Press 1x15x85
I crapped out on my pendlay's and then switched over to cable machines. I plan to go back to the gym after work to finish up.

Today's Workout:
Bench 1x15x165
Deadlift 1x15x225
Pendlay 1x10x165
Cable Row 1x15x160
Machine Overhead Press 1x15x25/arm 1x15x30/arm
I went back to the gym last night and finished my workout.

Squats 2x15x205
Dips 4x15xBW
Pendlay 1x15x165

5x5's is a program where you focus on compound exercises much like HST while doing 5 sets of 5 reps and progressing in weights lifted. There are hundreds of variations of 5x5 and the one I used had me using my max and setting new PR's by my fifth week. Type "5x5 workout" in to google and you will find a ton of variations. It's a program that is intended for strength where HST is intended for size. Alternating to two will lead to quick and efficient gains.
Last two workouts:

Deadlift 1x15x235
Squats 1x15x215
Pendlay 1x15x170
Bench 1x10x175 Failed, too tired
Dips 2x15x10

Bench 1x15x175
Pendlay 1x15x175
Deadlifts 1x8x245 1x10x245
Dips 1x15x20