5% weight increase of: BW+W or W?


New Member
When doing exercises that lift your own body weight plus added weight, how do you calculate what weight increase to use?
Such exercises could be dips, chins, and even (but perhaps only the weight of your upped body) squat and deadlift.

Take this as an example: I weight 180 lbs and added weight for dips 15RM is +66 lbs, 10RM is +88 and 5RM is 110 lbs. As dips is an exercise that makes your triceps (and supporting muscles) lift your own body weight + whatever you might strap on, would you want to calculate the weight to lift every day from the added weight, or your body weight + added weight?

To visualize:

15RM: 180 lbs + 66 lbs = 246 lbs.
75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% of 246 lbs
75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% of 66 lbs

In my opinion it makes most sense to do the calculations based on what you weight + what you add on. What do you think?
This makes me wonder what kind of exercises were used in the scientific surveys that HST is based on. Did they use isolation exercises that did not use the persons own body weight as part of the resistance, or did they use compound exercises like squat, deadlift and dips? Is it possible to see the kind of scientific material that lead to the development of the HST-principle of adding 5% of xxRM for each day?
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The problem with using your bodyweight plus the weight is that your bodyweight will likely not remain constant throughout your cycle.
The problem with using your bodyweight plus the weight is that your bodyweight will likely not remain constant throughout your cycle.
That is true. You will probably add some lbs during a 6 week cycle. However, if it turns out that calculating lifting weight based on BW+W stimulates to more muscle hypertrophy it might be worth doing it. You could even adjust your 15/10/5 RM as you progress if your body weight increase is significant.
If you are okay with recalculating the loads as your weight changes, then I would recommend going that route. Even better would be if you had access to an assisted dip machine as that would allow you to open up the progression a lot more.
I’ve been going by BW+W and it’s progressing just like the non-BW lifts. Also since when I started I couldn’t do 15 BW pullup w/o cheating I started out with doing latpulls, but as my lifts are progressing I’m moving closer to BW where I will switch to pullups and the progression should stay the same.
Hi All

If my opinion counts for anything, I both agree and thing this is the wayto go as per Grunt11's last message!

get BW first sorted so that you can do the required number of reps, specially used for 15's, then once you start using weight added on, just keep progressing with 5%. :)