5RM weight question


New Member
Just ended my 10RM block and am starting my 5RM today. My question is about the weight. I figured out my maxes a while back and now starting my 5's it seems like things start off pretty low and taking a step backwards. For example, on front squats I maxed at 175 for my 10's but today I am starting at 170 for 2 sets of 5? Just seems light for the amount of reps. Should I increase my weight on certain exercises or just be prepared to go back a bit at the start of this new block? Also, can someone please explain in layman's terms how I should continue this routine after the first 2 weeks of 5's? It's my understanding that I just continue with the 5's but what weight should I be lifting and shoud I just keep increasing the weight each workout past my max? Thanks for the help!
This question is asked about every 20 minutes and is covered in the FAQ: Zig-zagging or undulating loads... but basically zigzag is ok, it allows you to recover after hitting your 10 RMs prior to the weekend. People who include zigzag in their cycles tend to experience less fatigue buildup.

As for the 2 weeks after the 5s, there are many things you can do. I recommend doing as you postulated. Keep increasing the weight over a couple weeks until you find your new maxes, record those and use them to plan out your next cycle. You can also continue using your 5 RM for up to 2 weeks, the choice is yours. I also like to include a day or two of pushing for max singles on the big lifts but be aware that pushing for max singles isn't really going to make you bigger. It's mostly for measuring raw maximal strength and for motivational purposes.
Thanks for the response. I guess I'm not clear as to what "continuing with my 5RM" means. Do I just do 2 sets of 5 at my max weight for another 2 weeks? And possibly increase the weight as I go along?
Thanks for the response. I guess I'm not clear as to what "continuing with my 5RM" means. Do I just do 2 sets of 5 at my max weight for another 2 weeks? And possibly increase the weight as I go along?

You could do that, but if you're like me then you might want to mess with triples. :)

Start with your 5RM load and try to do 5 sets of 3 for a total of 15 reps. It'll still feel heavy for a triple but you'll have more gas left in the tank for the next set.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, add some extra weight each session until you hit a triple where you feel you might get another rep if you tried, ie. where you have one rep left in the tank. Stick with that weight and try to get 5 sets across. It'll be tough. You might need to take an extra minute's rest over and above your normal rest period between sets.

You'll also be conditioning your nervous system to handle heavier loads which is psychologically helpful.

A word of caution: don't throw on the load and let your form go out the window. There's no sense in getting injured.
+1 for Lol's suggestion, triples are the nut high.

+2 for taking the extra minute of rest (literally 3mins rest b/t triples)