5s and forcing progression


New Member
I'm new to HST but want to start a cycle of 5s using:
Bent Over Rows,
Push Press and
3x a week split.

I was just wondering whether i could force progression on these exercises? For example using a certain weight that's diffcult to get 5 reps, then next time add another 2kg or so, using cluster reps and/or partials and keep going this way, practically every workout.

Would this make me burn out real quick? Also what if i went down to 4 reps for a couple weeks then 3 reps, but increased the volume using more sets?

It's starting to sound like i'm totally lost, which i think i am. What i basically want is functional strength and a huge amount of size (can anyone say perfect world?).

Any input would help at this moment. Thanks.
Yes, you can use techniques to advance the weight beyond your rep max.

Yes, it can contribute to burn out quicker, but this depends on your past conditioning experience and what you are used too.
If you want strength, stick to 1 to 3 reps. If you want size, stick to 8 to 12 reps. If you want size and functional strength without creating joint problems, do the recommended HST program of 15, 10 and 5 reps to begin with. You can tweak it to more specific desires once you get a solid base to work with. And, no, that will not happen overnight.
But it WILL happen over time.