5s extension


New Member
Today I'm on my last day of 5s (RM day). Starting from Monday I want to extend my 5s cycle. I was thinking about increasing today weight and using clustering if I can't do 5 straight reps.
Question is: should I cluster reps until I hit 5 reps, then after 2 min. restart and cluster until 5 or cluster until I hit 10 reps (5x2) ?

Thank you

What I have been doing for squats for the last few cycles and which seems to work quite well for me, is turning each week following my 5RM w/o into a mini meso cycle. So, the first week following my 5RM w/o, I drop back 20lbs for Monday's w/o which makes it a bit easier to get the reps again. Wednesday is back up to my 5RM load and Friday I push for an extra 5lbs over my 5RM. The next Monday I back off 20 lbs again and repeat. If I manage 4 weeks of this I am up about 20lbs. I prefer doing this than just sticking with my 5RM load for a few weeks.

In order to get enough work done and to keep fatigue low, I will cluster reps after the first set of 5 reps. I might do 5, 3, 3, 2, 2 to get 15 reps in.

I tend to do negs on things like dips and chins instead of this approach or I switch to MaxStim style reps.
I guess we all respond differently. I've always been able to progress for at least 3 weeks in the fives. If I repeat a weight, it's only for one workout; if more than that, it's time for deload. (for me)
Lol's suggestion sounds great, but it'll take a week to just progress 5 lbs? I guess I'm just used to more than that so it sounds unproductive, unless we're talking about curls or tricep work.
Since I can't do negs on many things alone, I'll be trying the 10x3 mesocycle instead and see how that pans out. Couldn't hurt.