6-day U/L Routine


New Member
Bryan mentioned in a May07 reply that he's doing a 6-day Upper/Lower HST routine. I've done searches on "6 day routine" and "six day routine," but there isn't much information available.

I'd appreciate a link to (or direct feedback on) workout strategies with this split. In particular, I'm wondering how to best incorporate major movements (squat, dead, SLDL, dip) while avoiding CNS overload.

I eat great when I'm working out (and conversely eat like complete **** when I'm not), so a 6-day routine would work best for my lack of willpower.
"Here are the exercises I use:

Leg Ext
Leg Curl
Straight leg calf raise
Chins (wide and narrow)
Rows (wide and narrow)
Incline Bench
Lateral raises
rear delt work (dumbells)
Dumbell press
Tri Ext
Curls of all kinds

I'll do some crunches too. As well as stationary bike and once in a while I will jog a bit.

Sometimes I will split things up into AM and PM workouts. If I miss the PM I will simply do it the next day. I don't use a training partner so I only do negatives on Chins, Dips, curls, tri Ext, and rear delt work. I usually do 2 sets of 2 exercises for back.I don't go terribly heavy on Squats and Bench. I guess 25 years has taken a bit of a toll on this less-than-genetically-ideal body. In fact, on squats I will start with 20 reps.

Here's my AM/PM split.

Incline Bench
T-bar row (supported)
Calf (straight leg)
Lateral raises
Bent over laterals
EZ curls
Tri extensions

Leg curl
Leg extension
Millitary press (lowering no further than top of head)
Lateral raises
lying rear delt raises (lie on bench on your side)
DB curl
Tri extension
calf raise

I warm up on the bike for at least 6 minutes with a lot of resistance (break a sweat). I do 2 "work sets" after an adequate warmup on each exercise. On off days I do cardio for 20 minutes twice per day, while I'm dieting anyway.

BTW, I'm currently dieting very low carb during the week and carbing up on the weekends. "

- Bryan Haycock
Bryan most recent post on his routine.

Bryan Haycock

This is probably more info that most of you care to know about. But here goes anyway.

I'm using an upper/lower 6 day split.

Leg press, leg extension, leg curl. Also stiff leg DLs and lunges. Calf raises too.

Hammer Iso-lateral incline, bench and decline. I'll also do Incline DB press and Dips.

Hammer Iso-lateral row, high row, and lat-pull (or something). I'll also do Chins (all grips) and pull downs. I'll do seated row (machine) as well as narrow grip pulldown o machine. On occasion I'll do giantsets of lying rear delt raises w/1-arm DB row. Hyper extensions too.

Front raise, lateral raise, shoulder press on Smith machine, lying rear delt raise, and read delt on pec deck.

DB curls, preacher, incline, bent over 1-arm (sort of like a concentration curl) and EZ bar using wide grip.

Push Downs, lying triceps w/DB or EZ bar, 1 arm over head tri extensions.

I do incline sit ups and one of those seated twisting machines for my "core". I hear It's cool to call my gut my "core".

When I start my 15s I just go for feel the first week. So for example, today I decided to do horizontal leg press. The weight was very light (220) so after I did 15 reps I changed my stance and repped out 15 more. Needless to say my legs were on fire and I asked myself why I was doing this if I was never going to have quads like Ronnie Coleman.

During the second week of 15s I focus on getting the weight as high as I can and still hit multiple sets of 15.

During the first week of 10s I do multiple sets of 10 reps. During the second week of 10s I'll do at least one or two sets of 10, then perhaps do a couple sets of 6-8.

The 5s are all about weight all the way through. Multiple sets of 5-8 with as little rest as I can handle. I almost always do super sets so I have time to rest one muscle group while I work the other.

As many as time and strength will allow. Of course, by doing this my strength is often not fully recovered from workout to workout. However, bacause I am not lifting with my RMs every workout I am still able to utilize heavier weights each workout when indicated.

Nothing to brag about. All over the map. I'll use as little as 10lb DBs for lateral raises during the 15s. I go as heavy as I can for as long as I can extend the 5s. Although I am not pushing my maxes to their absolute max, I am happy to say that I am injury free (for the moment) and still making subtle improvements (rear delts?)

Yes, I said cardio. I do 1-2 mile walk/jog first thing in the morning (5:30am). Then I'll do another 30 minutes of the stair mill, eliptical, or treadmill after my workout. I'm doing this mostly at this time to lean out. I'm approaching 40 and its becoming more and more difficult to drop bodyfat at will. So I want to get in great shape and stay there instead of my perpetual "mass cycle" that I've been doing for the last 1o years.

When doing front raises, I'll do them alternating while holding the dumbbells in the upper position. Same with lateral raises. This just helps me get a little more out of them with less weight. I'll do the same on the isolateral leg extension and leg curl machines. Of course, during the 5s that type of thing goes out the window and I just do regular reps.

The other thing I do that might be a tweak is holding a stretch position at the end of a set to induce a burn. You don't have to hold it with any real stretch, just enough to impede blood floor for about 30 seconds.

I always do super sets, if that's a tweak. Chest/back, quads/hams, bis/tris, etc.
Your most certainly welcome.

It never gets old to see what others are doing!

Good luck with your training.

In fitness and friendship!

hmmmm....that is an awful lot of exercises....

I get the impression he is he doing them all?

Isn't that a little antiHST ?
(AKUFADUM @ Oct. 02 2007,09:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hmmmm....that is an awful lot of exercises....

I get the impression he is he doing them all?

Isn't that a little antiHST ?</div>
Yeah, well, you can't convince everybody...
(AKUFADUM @ Oct. 01 2007,21:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hmmmm....that is an awful lot of exercises....

I get the impression he is he doing them all?

Isn't that a little antiHST ?</div>
From the man himself

Like most people who aren't getting ready for a show or something, my volume goes up or down depending on my work schedule. Right at the moment I'm working too much and so my training has suffered.

I would say right now I'll do 1 exercise per bodypart using 2-3 sets (more if I have time). I also alternate between different exercises each time I workout. So one workout I'll do Incline press for chest and the next workout I'll do Dips. Same goes for Back and legs.

If I'm pressed for time, rather than reduce the number of sets I do, I'll reduce the number of exercises. So, for example, rather than doing only one set for each bodypart, I'll drop arms in favor of more sets for chest and back.

On a side note, for me I don't really start growing until I get to the 10s and 5s. I don't skip the 15s however because my 5s are a bit heavy for my old bones and I need the rehab during the 15s so I can keep at it year after year.

You can be confident that I train by the exact same principles as everybody else doing HST.
If squats and DL are the two most important exercises (and overhead press #3), I wonder if a push/pull rather than Upper/Lower would work better in a 6-day.

It comes down to whether the CNS effect of doing DL and squat on separate days, but still 3 times each per week, would avoid stressing the CNS as much as doing them both on a Lower day 3 times per week.

With an Upper/Lower routine, if splitting Squat+DL makes things easier for our CNS, then I'd put DL on Upper, but there's already too many bodyparts+exercises for Upper.

So a modified push pull:

SLDL or Good Morning or GHR or Pull Through
Barbell curl or Incline DB Curl

Calf Raise
Back Squat or Front Squat or Box Squat
StepUp or Lunge
(Incline Bench Press + Tricep Dip) or (Chest Dip+Close Grip Bench Press)
Overhead Press
PUSH/PULL exercises:

PUSH or &quot;A&quot; workout

Flat Bench BB
Incline Bench DB
Military Press or DB press
Tri work

Pull workout or &quot;B&quot;

Bent Row or One Arm row
Bi Work
Shrugs - not really needed if doing deads
Core Work

This is basically my 3 day plan split up into the respesective exercise class and sometimes I will split up the mid week one and do the third session that week (Friday's normally) on the Saturday.
On gear yes certainly, but chopped up like this it might have a benefit naturally as it seems to fit in well with the principles of HST and doesn't obviously break any of the commandments.
(seemore @ Oct. 03 2007,17:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PUSH/PULL exercises:

PUSH or &quot;A&quot; workout

Flat Bench BB
Incline Bench DB
Military Press or DB press
Tri work

Pull workout or &quot;B&quot;

Bent Row or One Arm row
Bi Work
Shrugs - not really needed if doing deads
Core Work

This is basically my 3 day plan split up into the respesective exercise class and sometimes I will split up the mid week one and do the third session that week (Friday's normally) on the Saturday.</div>
Pretty solid WO, but why do you need bicep work on a day that you are already doing deads, rows, and chins? I would definitely do close-grip chins as they will really burn your biceps!
Thanks, yeah i do closeand reverse grip chins to hit the bi's, and I only added extra bi work because I was expecting to cop some stick on here from all the iso people. I only do right side hammers at half the volume to make up the weak side.