6 days a week?

Nas Man

New Member
I could swear there were people here who trained six days a week. I know Brian has used and recommended a am/pm split before. If no one has done this, what does everyone think of instead of am/pm I did the am mon/wed/fri and then the pm portion tues/thurs/sat? I have had decent gains on a mon wed fri split but the days are kinda long and I end up slacking on the bodyparts that come in the end.

Nas Man
I don't like the idea..IMO.

Some people here will disagree but IMO you need rest days.

If you are just to lazy or whatever the reason is to workout sufficiently just change your workout to compounds only.

Shoulder press

20 to 30 reps heavy

30 for tens....15 to 20 for 5's rep range you and you should have more than enough free time.

Good luck!

I think 6 days per week is fine as long as you have your nutrition dialed and are getting plenty of rest.
Read bryans post.

Upper / lower split.

IN other words 3 days a week training still for upper and lower.

Now is 6 days a week a good routine if done upper and lower split...sure if you eat enough.

But if you are talking 6 day a week am/pm split then I don't think its a good ideal IMO.

I day this b/c you are hitting the same muscle over and over without rest.

We know research shows there is not much evidence supporting 3 days week is better than 2 so why would you train 6 days a week?

Unless of course you are doing upper lowers split.

Even then its for more conditioned lifters IMO unless your goal is to cut?
I was not recommending working every body part 6 days a week. Still only 3 days per week per body part. Sorry....should have clarified.
I find my arm development lagging, so I started doing arm work in the evenings and my compounds first thing in the morning (3 days per week AM/PM split). I look forward to that arm work, its fun to me. I'm also getting better results in my arms this way. It's something to look foward to at the end of the day and very relaxing (it helps me de-stress). However, I like leg work much less, and if I postponed it until evening, it would never happen and my other muscles would suffer.

I like to have a day off, I don't think I could work six days a week. My motivation would go south in a hurry, but everyone's different.
Tried it. Hated it.
I think about tomorrow's workout today, while resting. I became a good dance skater this way too. (well, the judges thought so) Before I hit my gym, I've usually gone through all the big moves mentally. And in these latter days of the strength cycle, I've been taking two days off between workouts for needed recovery. Works for me.
But if I were 30 years younger I bet I'd feel totally different about it.
I would love 6 days/week if I have the time. I have done 5 days/week coming out to 8x/week and it was my favorite cycle ever. You do need good nutrition and lots of rest though. I think O&G does 6 days/week - 12x/week a lot.
(colby2152 @ Feb. 19 2007,10:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I think O&amp;G does 6 days/week - 12x/week a lot.
I have in the past and made great gains. However, they have to be short cycles or I burn out mentally. Now I do a 4 day/week, AM/PM split with a total of 10 exercises (5 AM and 5 PM) and that seems to be much better in that I get zero fatigue and look forward to each workout. I will still do the 6--12 workouts once per year but for no more than 3 to 4 weeks. My typical program is similar to this:


Incline Benches
Front Military Presses
Pull Ups


Seated Machine Rows
Leg Presses

Not a very practical program if you have to travel to a commercial gym but great for a home gym.
What's actually better? Hitting your body hard with a short 6 times per week-cycle or going for a 20-week-cycle with 4 times per week? Cause I'm doing the latter right now and would like to know if long cycles are really worth that much. Oh yeah, I'm doing max-stim, btw. Actually I started doing it 5 times per week, but it started to burn me out so I switched back to 4.