7 Weeks of HST my experiance.


New Member
I thought id write about my experiance with HST aswell as I would just like some comments and feedback.So First ill list my routine I did 10/7/4-5/4-5dropsets(only did 1 week of this) I zigzaged my weights 10/10/20/20/MAX/MAXI did increaments of 5-10lbs mostlly and 15 on squats.I did my routine in this order.Now youll see I hit my triceps befor my chest, and the reason was i vastly underestimated how hard it was going to be to hit my 10rep max on an excerise after doing other muscle groups even tho that particular muscle group was freash. Now I had this problem espcialy bad with triceps so I decided to hit them first instead of figuring out and changing the weights. Also I would like to note that I estimated alot of maxes and quite a few of them were off plus and minus. For those of you who read read some of my previous post you would know, I was a bit skeptical about this routine; but anyways on to the actualy point.2XSquat1XStiff leggy2XBarbell back row2XLat pulldown.2Xskull crushers.2XFlat Bench1XSet of Flys1X set of Seated Military Press2X set of shoulder Flys2X Cable CurlsAbs/calfs/traps whatever I felt likeNow I didnt measure all of my bodyparts but.my arms increased from16 to 16.25 so an amazing increase in size, for only 7 weeks.My legs seemed to also respond very well and definatly saw a significant visual increase in my legs(tho i dont know what they were previously at) and my squat skyrockted in weight increase.My back looks fuller and lats look wider aswell.Didnt seem to notice much of a change in my chest or shoulders but again its hard to tell without measurements.So some good increases, I was also pleasently surprised with the strength gains defiantly saw more strength gains then I was expecting.Overall my experiance with HST was postive and it's defiantly a solid routine that I would do again. However right now I think im gonna take 7-9days of SD to let my bodyrecover; and then move on P/RR/S another routine that ive had good success with in the past. You might ask why I don't do another cycle of HST again and the reason why I don't is because im a strong believer of this quote by lois simmons "Everything works but nothing works forever" But I will definatly pick it back up in a few months time.Now you might ask why I'm ending it a week early, and it's because I feel that all this squatting is starting to catch up with me my last session of squatting my left quad just felt like it was gonna tear and my back was killing me I had to stop squatting and do a Leg presses and ham curls instead of squats and stiffes I suppose Icould just switch to these for the week I missed. No i'ts not a form issue also I should note I didn't reset the wieghts back down and buildup during my drops as I didn't see a point as I was doing the same number of reps and was just adding in the dropsets.But what do you guys think?Perhaps I should take up another cycle of HST right again or perhaps another routine besides P/RR/SLet me know any feedback on the actualy way i setup my routine or general comments/criticism are welcome.
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Forgive the wall o text I had it all spaced out but guess it was to long for 1 page and lost it all, and didn't feel like typing it out all nice again.
This took care of the wall-of-text problem several of us have had:

While I agree with the quote that nothing works forever, hell I’ve switched over to using the Westside Method, I think it doesn’t make much sense to change something if it’s still working, which begs the question why did you stop using P/RR/S if it was still working for you. Training ADD is one of the biggest problems most people have in making progress. There’s another applicable saying “if it aint broke don’t fix it.” I’m not saying you should stick with HST but rather use what works until you feel it’s lost or losing its effectiveness and then look at tweaking or switching systems.

There are many ways to tweak HST to keep it from becoming stale either from a training standpoint or a psychological one. I also imagine if not already built in you could incorporate deloads or deconditioning into P/RR/S to also help prevent stagnation.

Heck if you haven’t already why not try the Westside System then you’ll constantly be changing things up.