

New Member
I’ve read here, and in Prilepin's Table, that you want to be at 70% for your 10 reps. Does this mean 70% of your 1RM should be your 10RM?? Or do you want to start at 70% in the first week of 10's and increase 10lbs until the end of the 10 rep cycle?

Does this mean 70% of your 1RM should be your 10RM??

Roughly yes. Some rep max charts have different percentages, but its around that percentage.

As for the 10's cyle in traditional HST you would find your 10 rep max and do increments in reverse to give you your template for the 2 week period. As a rule you dont want to go lower than 75% of your 10RM for your first workout of the 10 RM cycle.

Example of 10RM of 200lbs cycle

1st workout 75%: 200 x.75= 150
2nd workout 80%: 160
3rd workout 85%: 170
4th workout 90%:180
5th workout 95%:190
6th workout 100%: 200

You will get stronger as you go and if you can complete the set/reps for a cycle you can extend the cycle by adding 5-10 lbs until you reach your true 10RM instead of just stopping at the 6th workout. Hope this helps.