7th Cycle - The Comeback


New Member
As many of you already know, I had an appendectomy 6 weeks ago (I have not lifted since then). It was not laproscopic, which means it was a traditional slice through the abs by knife. The ETA on return to the gym was 4-6 weeks. I gave it a full 6 weeks due to a heavy load of studying. This morning was my return. I plan on doing a very short cycle that I imagine will give me great results due to muscle memory and return from a long SD.

I am cutting out Chins, Squats, Deadlifts (eek, I know!), Hyperextensions, and Ab/Oblique Isolations until January.

I will do one week each of 15's, 10's and 5's giving quick progression for optimal growth. I am cutting in the process as I put on some fat during the past 2 months. I still expect muscle gains for reasons already listed.

If anyone has suggestions for other exercises, let me know...

DB Bench Press
WG Lat Pulldowns
Calf Raises
DB Military Press
CG Dips
Incline DB Curls

I am using 75-90% of my old RM's for strength loss adjustment and recovery purposes.

I lost a lot of endurance in my warm-up runs which is to be expected.

The only noticeable lagging area of strength is shoulders. I had a tough time with the DB Military Press, going 2 sets of 15's with 25lb DB's. My last 15RM was 40, and I tailored it to 35 for this cycle, which may not be achievable due to strength loss.

Other than that, I feel I can go up to my adjusted RM's for other exercises. I have a feeling when I return to Squats and Deadlifts in January that my strength will also be down for those exercises.

Once again, I wanted to document how a recovery cycle like this was starting out and how I felt.

Comments welcome!

I loved the title, 'The comeback'

Id throw a rowing movement in for the upper back, high cable rows?
I would incorporate some easy stretches for the abdomen. Maybe some light ab work too, just to get things back where they should be. Getting cut can cause some loss of 'connections' I've noticed.
My 14 year old son had the same thing 2 months ago. They were able to do it with the scope. Funny thing is that he was back to 100% in like a week because of the scope and being young.

Glad you feel better.
colby i have just had 7wks of the first wk was hard but i was back up to my 15rm the 2nd wk.
as STYLE said do some low rows or bent-over-rows.

Glad to see you back in action, I suppose your workout is fine for now, although one would like to see some leg work in there but...taking it easy is the name of the game so

Maybe you canb start some leg isolation work in the meantime? Light ab work should do wonders to tighten things up!
I thought about leg isolations... and what type of light ab work? I want to avoid hardcore loaded stretches such as a pulley crunch. I like the thought of Rows, so I may add them. How about this....

Leg Extensions
DB Bench Press
WG Lat Pulldowns
Calf Raises
DB Military Press
CG Dips
Incline DB Curls
Leg Curls
Some Light Ab Exercise?
That is already 10 exercises, you may wanna do a A/B split, but yes it looks dandy top get things back on track!
I finish my 10's tomorrow, but I decided to simplify things once the exercises stacked up!

Bench Press
Lat Pulldown
Calf Raises
Military Press
Leg Extensions
Incline DB Curls

I throw in the occasional shrugs and light ab movement. I think once I return to normal in my next cycle, I will add in a baby week before the 15's to get use to loaded stretches of the abdominals (Deadlifts, Squats, Chins, Pulley Crunches).
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I throw in the occasional shrugs and light ab movement. I think once I return to normal in my next cycle, I will add in a baby week before the 15's to get use to loaded stretches of the abdominals (Deadlifts, Squats, Chins, Pulley Crunches). </div>

Looking better, more manageable.

Good idea the baby week!