9th Cycle


New Member
First off, here are my results from my 8th cycle.

7 weeks ago: 235 @ 15.5% bodyfat
Today: 231 @ 13.7% bodyfat

BF% are pure estimates based on past results. They could be higher, but regardless I did lost a good amount of fat while maintaining muscle mass. According to the numbers, I actually gained some muscle which shouldn't be a surprise since I wasn't lifting for 3 months. Another great thing, strength is back - the metabolic sets have gone great too!

However, I am still fighting the battle against the bulge, and I want to cut once again. I am taking this next week off for spring break and eating at maintenance. My 8th cycle will be 9 weeks long lasting until (yay, my graduation) in mid-May. I think I can lose 12-13 pounds by then with most of that being fat.

I will use some of the research Lyle McDonald extrapolated mentioned in my Optimizing Your Caloric Intake thread. I'll also use my Uniform Loss of Weight assumption to make things a bit more simple, and to keep my deficit on the safe side of cutting.

It will be a high frequency alternating core compound workout based on Fausto's Simplify and Win thread. I want to train 3 to 6 times a week, depending on the weather (I may opt for running outside on an off day instead of lifting.)

DB Side Bends
Arnold Press
Calf Raises

Incline Crunches
Clean & Press (starting off light)
Bench Press
Calf Raises

The only question I have is whether or not to use creatine. Downside - extra calories, Upside - extra strength.

I am working on my strength at squats, so I will be warming up with very light Squats on the Deadlift day.
My 2 cents.

First off great job on the results.

Secondly you should be able to take creatine in without hardly any calories. Just make sure its creatine monohydrate ( it taste like sh-it but its old school and has very few calories)

Third if you are going to train 6 days a week I would do and upper lower split.
I was going to say to you whats the benefit of hitting the weights more often in a calorie deficit? B/c you hardly ever can gain in a calorie deficit...but above in your post I guess your genetics allow you to gain some muscle. So maybe the weights over cardio approach can work for you?

The only other advice I would say and you know this is keep Protein high.

Personally it would be interesting to see you go on a very low carb low fat high protein diet and even do 3 days of Full body workouts with 3 days of cardio or like you said 6 days upper lower.

I think if you want to drop fat fast do Lyles high protein low carb low fat diet!

You know what to do!

Again great results I remember when you were not even 200 pounds on here!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Secondly you should be able to take creatine in without hardly any calories. Just make sure its creatine monohydrate ( it taste like sh-it but its old school and has very few calories)</div>

I would always take it with a glass of orange juice since it tasted so bad. I'll buy some light concentrate mix that will suit well.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Third if you are going to train 6 days a week I would do and upper lower split.
I was going to say to you whats the benefit of hitting the weights more often in a calorie deficit? B/c you hardly ever can gain in a calorie deficit...but above in your post I guess your genetics allow you to gain some muscle. So maybe the weights over cardio approach can work for you?</div>

If weather permits, I will go outside for a run. The cardio rooms are way too busy to use a tredmill at the school gyms. High frequency lifting works great for me. As you say, I could possibly build an extra pound of muscle during the cut. Either way, it is a great way of burning calories.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The only other advice I would say and you know this is keep Protein high.

Personally it would be interesting to see you go on a very low carb low fat high protein diet and even do 3 days of Full body workouts with 3 days of cardio or like you said 6 days upper lower.

I think if you want to drop fat fast do Lyles high protein low carb low fat diet!</div>

My personal opinions on the low carb diet is that it is total crap as a long term solution (even for 2 months.) If I was on it, I would have to eat 300 gram of protein per day. On my budget, that is just too expensive. Plus, I love milk. Either way, I will keep my diet high in protein and low in fat.

Keep in mind, I WILL be doing cardio - spring, jogging, HIIT throughout the cycle. The frequency isn't constant as it will be between 3 and 6 times per week.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Again great results I remember when you were not even 200 pounds on here!

Trust me, I know! Thanks for the comments and compliments. I am looking on cutting down to 220. Just saying that puts a smile on my face.
if you haven't bought monohyrdate yet... get CEE... all the perks no bloat.

shamless plug... I use AF's PureCEE ... it's pure and inexpensive. caplets, no worry about taste.
(SweetDaddyPatty @ Mar. 10 2007,19:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">put a spoonful of creatine in your mouth and wash it down with water.  No calories!</div>
Doesn't creatine monohydrate mixes come with tons of sugar? Mine at least does...

Should I take it every day, every other day, or when I need it during the heavy phases. I really have never been strict with taking it before.

Sarge, what is CEE?
My 2 cents. Don't do ab work until the end of your workout. This tires some of the stabilizers and could lead to injury doing squats and such. If you need a warmup walk on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes.

Other than that, if what you are doing is working and your lifts are progressing have at it. Good luck to you.
(colby2152 @ Mar. 11 2007,10:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(SweetDaddyPatty @ Mar. 10 2007,19:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">put a spoonful of creatine in your mouth and wash it down with water. No calories!</div>
Doesn't creatine monohydrate mixes come with tons of sugar? Mine at least does...

Should I take it every day, every other day, or when I need it during the heavy phases. I really have never been strict with taking it before.

Sarge, what is CEE?</div>
A lot of them do, but a lot of them don't. You just have to read the label and look for pure creatine monohydrate. The stuff without sugar is much cheaper.
What seems to work best for me is take 5g (1 teaspoon) every day, plus an additional serving before (or during) and after each workout. After a few weeks your body has as much as it can hold, so its no big deal if you miss a dose here and there. At that point the most important time to use it is immediately after a workout.
(magnumfreak @ Mar. 11 2007,14:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My 2 cents. Don't do ab work until the end of your workout. This tires some of the stabilizers and could lead to injury doing squats and such. If you need a warmup walk on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes.

Other than that, if what you are doing is working and your lifts are progressing have at it. Good luck to you.</div>
Treadmills are way too busy. I cannot stand waiting to use them. I used to run to the gym, but now I go right after class, so that isn't feasible. I came to the conclusion of doing the core workout as a warmup during this thread. I don't think I'll have much of a problem. I only get really tired from the big lifts. Maybe my age (22) has something to do with that.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What seems to work best for me is take 5g (1 teaspoon) every day, plus an additional serving before (or during) and after each workout. After a few weeks your body has as much as it can hold, so its no big deal if you miss a dose here and there. At that point the most important time to use it is immediately after a workout.</div>

That sounds like some good advice. I'll just take some right before my workout every day. The body processes 2.9g/day on average, so that will work.