A Couple Beginner Questions


New Member
Hey everyone. I've been reading up on this program and I'm pumped to start this after I find my maxes and SD. I just have a couple questions.

1. I understand that at the end of each 2 week cycle you train to failure with the initial weight that was used to determine the 15 RM for example. Lets say you ending up getting stronger (or for whatever reason are feeling better that day), would you go to failure on the final set for the exercise and do 16+ reps or just stop at 15?

2. Would you recommend squatting on Monday and Friday and deadlifting on Wednesday (next week deadlifting on Mon,Fri and squatting on Wed) or would you say that would be two stressful on the body?

3. When determining your maxes is it okay to grind out that last couple reps? If the rep speed were to slow down by rep 13 or 14 when determining your 15 RM would you say to use a lighter weight even if I were able to complete 15 with good form, albeit slower?

4. Could you incorporate pullups in the 15 RM weeks if you cannot do 15 bodyweight pullups? I can do about 12-14 pullups max so would you recommend just not doing pullups altogether since it wouldn't work for the 15 RM weeks? Even if I was able to do 15 I wouldn't be able to do the first couple workouts because I wouldn't be able to do lower increments with my bodyweight. I'm assuming I should just substitute the exercise, but I would prefer to do them.

1. I understand that at the end of each 2 week cycle you train to failure with the initial weight that was used to determine the 15 RM for example. Lets say you ending up getting stronger (or for whatever reason are feeling better that day), would you go to failure on the final set for the exercise and do 16+ reps or just stop at 15?

The principles of HST preclude from working to failure. The rep maxes are determined by getting the maximum weight possible for the required reps wihile leaving at least one rep in the tank. If you get stronger and are capable of adding another rep or two during the final session, then do so, but keep a rep in the tank. You will increase the weight on the next cycle.

2. Would you recommend squatting on Monday and Friday and deadlifting on Wednesday (next week deadlifting on Mon,Fri and squatting on Wed) or would you say that would be two stressful on the body?

From what I've read here, alternating squats & DL is recommended.

3. When determining your maxes is it okay to grind out that last couple reps? If the rep speed were to slow down by rep 13 or 14 when determining your 15 RM would you say to use a lighter weight even if I were able to complete 15 with good form, albeit slower?

No. When determining maxes, rep speed should be consistent. Grinding out the reps is too close to failure. You determine the RM's by consistent reps and leaving one rep in the tank.

4. Could you incorporate pullups in the 15 RM weeks if you cannot do 15 bodyweight pullups? I can do about 12-14 pullups max so would you recommend just not doing pullups altogether since it wouldn't work for the 15 RM weeks? Even if I was able to do 15 I wouldn't be able to do the first couple workouts because I wouldn't be able to do lower increments with my bodyweight. I'm assuming I should just substitute the exercise, but I would prefer to do them.

I'll leave this one for one of the experts, but if assisted pullups are not an option, I would think doing pullups will make you better at pullups. Do what you can and add lat pulldowns to supplement.
Thanks for the advice T-Man. I'm actually going to do the Madcow 5x5 intermediate program. I like the look of this program a lot, I just want to build up a more solid foundation of strength before I move on to HST. Sorry for the delayed response, but thanks again for the reply. Happy lifting mate.