a couple of questions (re: swimming, 15s)


New Member
Hey guys, I had a couple of questions I wanted to run by you guys.

1). How "ok" would it be to swim 1-2 times a week? And if I do...should I do it on an off day (Tues, Thurs), or should it be after a workout? It wouldn't be anything super intense, maybe 20-25 minutes of freestyle laps at a decent pace. Would it interfere with any hypertrophy gains? I really love to swim and I remember a couple years ago I had the best physique of my life when I was swimming regularly.

2). I started doing HST back in November. Finished one cycle, loved it, started another but had to quit lifting for about a month because of school and other time commitments. I've been lifting consistently again now for a few months, but on a non-HST routine. Now that I want to start back up, should I keep the 15s or jump into the 12s?

Thanks guys.
Go with the 15s, it will be worth it in the long run. Also, swimming is okay, but do it on the off-days. Swimming is a pretty intensive exercise, so I wouldn't do it on a workout day.
I have never swam a lot besides you know typical pool parties and stuff.

But Swimmer physiques are amazing with detail...now given they are not the biggest guys in the world as far as mass but they are ripped and shredded looking more like a statue.

My boss who is in his 50's swims 6 days a week and he weighs prob 160 but has great definition in lats, shoulders, pecs, abs...I mean he looks better than most people who lift and he never touches a weight?

go figure??? or maybe.....go swim