A different way to extend a cycle


New Member
I am currently working with my 5RM. However, with the strength increases in my cycle, my 5RM is really a 6 or 7RM. Here is what I am thinking...

I can start 2 weeks of drop sets (or negs) and then go back to working with the 5RM weight (although at higher reps). Hopefully by then my 5RM will be my new 10RM. If that is the case, I can work with my 10 RM for a week or two and then start my NEW heavier 5s.

Once done with the NEW heavier 5s, I will start the 5s over again while cutting. Rinse, wash, and repeat...

What do you guys think?
Good idea as long as an SD or deloading period follows the New Heavy 5's.
Agreed. I think this can only be done on cycles that you gain exceptional strength on...it wouldn't be a good fit for every cycle. Unless you are superman or have additional "help".
Keep lifting heavy after the 5s as long as you are making progress. Be it heavier weights at 5 reps, heavier weights at less reps, hevier weights max-stim, heavier weighted negatives, or SAME weight with more reps, which should lead to heavier weights at 5 reps, like you plan. Sounds good.

When you hit that eventual plateau, before you SD and start over, try a short deload, lifting in the 15's and 10s range for a week or two, then hit the heavy stuff again. If you have the patience to do it, it may be enough to break the plateau, and you will start progressing again. If it doesn't work, then you will have at least foundyour new 15 and 10 rms!
(etothepii @ Jan. 16 2008,11:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When you hit that eventual plateau, before you SD and start over, try a short deload, lifting in the 15's and 10s range for a week or two, then hit the heavy stuff again. If you have the patience to do it, it may be enough to break the plateau, and you will start progressing again. If it doesn't work, then you will have at least foundyour new 15 and 10 rms!</div>
Great tip!

I was a bit discouraged after my last SD. I did a cut and lost very little strength. However, my 10 day SD (w/ maintenance cals) created a large loss in strength on several lifts.

I am begining to think I might be closing in on my personal abilities and maybe SD's should be cut out or at least done less often. Extending cycles like you prescribed above should help to do so!
Well, if you are going into a cut, then an SD is not necessarily needed because you are hardly growing a significant amount of muscle. IMO, this is where the deloading period has the best value.
(jwbond @ Jan. 16 2008,14:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I did the SD after the cut, prior to this most recent bulk.</div>
In that case, the SD is warranted.
(colby2152 @ Jan. 16 2008,14:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(jwbond @ Jan. 16 2008,14:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I did the SD after the cut, prior to this most recent bulk.</div>
In that case, the SD is warranted.</div>
Yes, just unwanted...or the effects of it at least.

Do you guys think that an SD can hurt when getting closer to one's natural limits?
JW, I do not think proximity to natural limits or trainee weight lifting experience has too much to do with SD. It is all relative. Strategic reconditioning is based on the length of the cycle, and whether the goals are cutting or bulking. As long as you eat at maintenance during the SD, you shouldn't lose much muscle or strength at all. How much strength do you lose?
It depends on the lift...I lost the most on my 5RM incline bench last time, it went from 225lbs to 205lbs. Usually it only dips about 10lbs, not 20!

Other lifts are less drastic, but it is discouraging nontheless.
Do you test your strength immediately after the SD? When is the first time you try out your 5RM in the next cycle? If it is at the end of the 5's, then that drop is very suspicious. You should be gaining that type of strength from HST cycle to cycle.

If this is the case, then maybe it is time for a strength routine such as 5x5?