a few questions after reading FAQ!!


New Member
First of all, thank you very much Bryan for doing all the researches and finally coming up with this training. HST is very logical and reasonable. English is my second language so I'm not sure this can express my feelings after reading the FAQ. I'm very happy of eventually having a good training program. I started bodybuildind this year and have been reading a lot to get some knowledge in this sport but in all other programmes, people don't explain why they are created like that and there is no scientific support. I was so confused and knew not which one to choose. Again, thank you Bryan and everyone for your kindnees of distributing this training technique.
I have read the FAQ which is very clear and informative. However, I get confused in some areas. Please help me out.
1/ you said that drop sets are used for the purpose of increasing the volume as to trigger the metabolism in cells (I'm sure that I used wrong technical terms here but I do get the idea).
      In stead of doing drop sets, can I do one or two more set of 5s?
      And you said a drop set should be done until I can't do it anymore or I have a CNS fatigue. So is CNS fatigue not failure? Doesn't it take longer time to recover that muscle which means I will not be able to train as frequently as I should (3 times a week)? Isn't this as same as other programmes (coming to failure)? I mean just the drop sets part though, not the whole program.
      I remember I read an HST particle somewhere probably in bodybuilding.com that mentions like this about sets: If I do 1 set of 15s, for 10s I should do something like 1 sets of 10s and 1 sets of 5s or 2 sets of 10s; and for 5s I would do 3 sets of 5s or 1 sets of 5 and then 1 set of 3s then 1 set of 2s, etc. Is this correct and an alternation for drop sets?
       Should I do drop sets on 15s and 10s microcycles?
       you said drop sets should only be done once or twice a week, such as first day of the week. shouldn't it interfere the progressive load for the second and third days which have no drop sets? Because without drop sets, the volume is lower leading to lower stretch or microtrauma (please do not mind about my wrong usage of technical terms)

2/you said I could use 2 sets of exercises and alternate them day by day. Doesn't this interfere pogressive load due to unequal stress caused by different exercises? Or how do I make different exercises creating same stress (I mean if I am alternating exercises, how do I know the weight I should since the weights that I can handle are different by exercises)? And how do I make them progressive?
     Instead of this, shouldn't I use the same set of exercise within an HST cycle and then change another set for the next?

3/How should I choose exercies? For example, for chest, should I do flyes? For biceps, should I do hammer grip instead of barbell curl? I was told that some muscle groups have to be hit at different angle in order to fully develop them. For instance, I notice in Bryan's sample workout, he hits all three heads of the shoulder. However, how about three different heads in triceps (he does only tricep extensions) and two head in biceps?

4/In the pre and port workout nutrition, you mentioned that insulin traps some protein in the gut, etc. while Lyle said ingested protein is converted into glucose in the absence of carbs by the digestive system. aren't they contradictory?

5/ For negatives, i will do them for exercises that I can. Whereas for the other ones, should I still do 5s? or I should only choose exercises that I can do negatives for 1 HST cycle and then only choose the ones that I can't for the next?

I'm sorry for having too many questions. Perhaps I don't get them because of my English. Please help me out!!!
HST is actually very simple.

Do something like this:

Squats (quads+hams)
Straight-leg deadlift (hams)
Calf raises
Close-grip chin ups (w/ weights on belt) (lats+biceps)
Wide-grip dips (weighted) (pecs+triceps)
Shoulder press (deltoids)
Row(traps+rear delts+lats)

You don't need to alternate exercises.

For each rep range, start at 75% of max and progress 5% each workout,
Do 2 sets of 15s
3 sets of 10s
5-6 sets of 5s.

After two weeks of 5s...either do negatives or just increase the load weekly instead of every workout and drop to 10 sets of 3, or 30 sets of 1 (max-stimulation).

I recommend 30 reps per exercise if you are able to handle it...the more volume the more hypertrophy stimulus in my experience as long as overtraining is avoided.
This guy is smart! He's asked the biggest, deepest beginner questions all in one post! Very observant, keene.
As a new lifter, you don't need to worry about drop sets, or any other specialty techniques. You will grow like a weed on the basics, if you eat enough, and sleep enough. Sci gave you the best advice you can get at this point. Stick around the forum, you'll learn a lot!
By the way; Welcome!!!
Welcome keene...

Just do what Sci suggests but you may want to reduce things volume wise on the 5's, I say this because I tried and found 6 x 5 to be too much, so I went for 4 to 5 depending on how I felt.

Stick around, you'll learn lots.

Quad is correct beginners who have never trained if eating and spleeping correctly will grow like weeds.
Welcome keenef4.

One very important thing you should do is learn good form in all the compound exercises you intend to do.

Part of learning good form is to develop flexibilty. You probably won't be able to get your squats right straight away. You will need to learn the movements well. Get hold of a good book like Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and/or do some web research on correct form. It'll pay you back in spades.
Oh, and don't get too worried about progressing the loads by exact amounts each session. As long as the loads are incrementing over the cycle, you will be increasing strain along the way. Zig-zag or use of the same loads for a few sessions isn't going to hurt any.
(keenef4 @ Mar. 21 2007,15:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">4/In the pre and port workout nutrition, you mentioned that insulin traps some protein in the gut, etc. while Lyle said ingested protein is converted into glucose in the absence of carbs by the digestive system. aren't they contradictory?</div>
BUMP for this question.

Is Lyle speaking in the context of one being glycogen depleted?

Or am I completely off?
(scientific muscle @ Mar. 21 2007,15:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">HST is actually very simple.

Do something like this:

Squats (quads+hams)
Straight-leg deadlift (hams)
Calf raises
Close-grip chin ups (w/ weights on belt) (lats+biceps)
Wide-grip dips (weighted) (pecs+triceps)
Shoulder press (deltoids)
Row(traps+rear delts+lats)

You don't need to alternate exercises.

For each rep range, start at 75% of max and progress 5% each workout,
Do 2 sets of 15s
3 sets of 10s
5-6 sets of 5s.

After two weeks of 5s...either do negatives or just increase the load weekly instead of every workout and drop to 10 sets of 3, or 30 sets of 1 (max-stimulation).

I recommend 30 reps per exercise if you are able to handle it...the more volume the more hypertrophy stimulus in my experience as long as overtraining is avoided.</div>
As I'm new to all this, can any body direct me to any HST program that I can start with (or any link)?

I have read a lot about the HST and the 5X5 but as more as I read as more I get confused!!! As a beginner which program will fit me more in order to build mass?

Also, what is the differences between the 2 routine as far as the mass gain?

I appreciate any answer...thanks
That sample routine you quoted will work fine.
That is a basic sample HST program I suggested.
5x5 is more strength oriented, but they are fairly similar.
I gained less on the 5x5 than HST...but that was after NOT gaining on my 7th or 8th HST cycle...I had stalled, and 5x5 brought me enough change to elicit growth.

The point being, that you run something until it stalls, then make changes until they stall. But since I gained only a bit on the 5x5 (but a LOT of strength) my return to HST should and shall elicit new gains, using new PR's and added mass.

Programs work for you where you are; not where someone else is. HST is designed to elicit hypertrophy specifically, and the 5x5 is strength-specific. Both give gains, each predominant in it's intent. Most of us came off of failure training into HST and suddenly grew. From strength-endurance to hypertrophy.