a few questions(clarification)


New Member
just wanted to clarify i completely understand the concept as im 90% sure i do.

so, after finding your 15,10 and 5 rep maxes, you take 9-14 days off to rest and recover. After that, you begin with your 15s, working up to your 15 rep max on the last day of the 2 week cycle. so for example if my squat 15 rep max is 110, each workout will be (im working out twice a week): 95,100,105,110? <<110 being the last workout day of the 2 week mesocycle? and then once im done the 2 weeks of 15's, i move onto 10's on the next workout day and repeat the same as above. then move to 5's and also repeat(im doing 1x15,2x10,3x5), and then i take off 9-14 days again to recover and after that i can do whatever i want?

this wont lead to overtraining will it? i mean reaching your rep maxes once a week, that takes alot out of you, and then right after that you move onto the next mesocycle.
You’re only reaching your rep maxes every two weeks not each weeks if you figured your maxes accurately. Also keep in mind that your rep maxes will likely increase as you progress through your cycle so you might even extend the “micro-cycles” until you actually hit or come close to your maxes.

Also, consider if you are not using linier progression it’s likely that for may of your lift’s you’ll be “zigzaging” meaning the first weight of your 10s may be lower than your last weight of your 15s. Same with the 5s. This will give your CNS a break and help prevent over-training.
You can use larger increments than in your example if you prefer, but the backcycle at the beginning of each two week block will help offset accumulated fatigue to a large extent, and then remember that you are taking nine days off after you've finished the eight weeks, which will give you time to recover as well.

and then i take off 9-14 days again to recover and after that i can do whatever i want?

What exactly do you mean by whatever I want? The idea is to set up a new cycle to begin after the nine day period off.
^i meant that after the 9-14 days rest the program is done and you can do whatever you want from that(different program, start hst again, etc etc)..

so from my understanding so far, ive got it correct, right?

and yeah, i will probably be zig zagging alot as quite a few of my weights are low. but im also repeating weights, like for incline dumbell curls my 15 rep max is 17.5, so im doing 10,10,15,17.5(cause i workout twice a week).thats fine right?
had 1 more question

so lets say im doing my last workout of the 2 weeks for 10's, and im obviously doing my 10 rep maxes for 2x10. lets say the first set i can only get 6 reps. does that mean i do the 2nd set as much as i can too if i cant hit 10 and then thats it? or do i do 6, then rest, then do 4 more, equalling 10 reps, which makes it 1 set, and then do this again for the 2nd set provided i cant get 10 reps for it again?
If you can't get 10 reps on the first set then you didn't figure your 10 rep max correctly. You would be using too much weight. As far as the 2nd set, it could be done either way.Performing as many as you can do in that second set and then stopping or use cluster reps breaking it up into 2 or more mini sets with short rest periods in between until you get a total of ten more reps. Up to you.
just wanted to clarify i completely understand the concept as im 90% sure i do.

so, after finding your 15,10 and 5 rep maxes, you take 9-14 days off to rest and recover. After that, you begin with your 15s, working up to your 15 rep max on the last day of the 2 week cycle. so for example if my squat 15 rep max is 110, each workout will be (im working out twice a week): 95,100,105,110? <<110 being the last workout day of the 2 week mesocycle? and then once im done the 2 weeks of 15's, i move onto 10's on the next workout day and repeat the same as above. then move to 5's and also repeat(im doing 1x15,2x10,3x5), and then i take off 9-14 days again to recover and after that i can do whatever i want?

this wont lead to overtraining will it? i mean reaching your rep maxes once a week, that takes alot out of you, and then right after that you move onto the next mesocycle.
hi guys,,,
You ask for clarification and here comes some of the answers from my end.Start using linear progression it’s likely that you may not been going in the right direction.Try to use larger increments as compare to the ones that you are using now.In my view you are reaching your maxes twice a week rather than after one week.