A Frustration settling in


New Member
Frustration settling in....

Well it has been about year since I started HST....

And I have had great results...

I started in September 2006

Height: 6'3"
Weight 210
BF 24% (according to a scale not sure how accurate it is)
Didn't have measurements back then (didn't have myotape) too bad would have liked to have seen the difference.

After my third cycle (Beginning of April 2007):
Height: 6'3"
Weight 204
BF 19% (according to the same scale not sure how accurate it is)
Chest: 46.5"
Neck 16"
Waist: 35" @ navel
Hips: 38"
Thighs: 25"
Calves: 14"
My arms however are a piddly 15" (Flexed).

Weight: 224
BF: 16.4% (according to 7 pt Caliper wish I still had that scale to compare sold it in a garage sale)
Chest: 47.6"
Neck 16.3"
Waist: 36" @ navel
Hips: 38"
Thighs: 22" (Got smaller
due to injury but they are coming back)
Calves: 14" (surprised these remained the same)

My arms however are still a piddly 15.6" (Flexed).

My Initial Goal was to be 10% BF by this time I am a little embarassed that I didn't make it.
But as you can see the results that I obtained seems more desireable

Now here comes the 'frustration aspect'
I have what I call a Tire I think Colby knows what I am talking about.
Basically my body looks good except for my handles and a little over the lower abs
I am not looking to get a 6 pack (though it would be nice
). I just want to get rid of it!

Any advice on how to get rid of this...
I could try cutting again

Some people I have talked to attribute it to genetics. Which I can agree with but there must be some way!

Anyway, I may post pics...I have to take them first

edited to add routine:

Deadlifts (lightly cuz of injury)
Preacher Curls
Tri Extensions

Bent Over Rows
Military Press
Leg Press (Can't balance squat properly yet)
Barbell Curls
Tri Pulldown
1) The weight scales that tell you your bf% are crap
2) Why should I know about the tire?
With that said, then you probably are at about 16% bodyfat.
3) Cutting sucks, but it's the quickest solution to the battle of the bulge
4) Try taking a week or two and eat at maintenance levels to get your metabolism back up
5) You could have cut more fat off since April, so I suppose your deficit isn't deep enough, re-examine your caloric intake
(AKUFADUM @ Nov. 02 2007,18:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Frustration settling in....

Well it has been about year since I started HST....

And I have had great results...

I started in September 2006

Height: 6'3&quot;
Weight 210
BF 24% (according to a scale not sure how accurate it is)
Didn't have measurements back then (didn't have myotape) too bad would have liked to have seen the difference.

After my third cycle (Beginning of April 2007):
Height: 6'3&quot;
Weight 204
BF 19% (according to the same scale not sure how accurate it is)
Chest: 46.5&quot;
Neck 16&quot;
Waist: 35&quot; @ navel
Hips: 38&quot;
Thighs: 25&quot;
Calves: 14&quot;
My arms however are a piddly 15&quot; (Flexed).

Weight: 224
BF: 16.4% (according to 7 pt Caliper wish I still had that scale to compare sold it in a garage sale)
Chest: 47.6&quot;
Neck 16.3&quot;
Waist: 36&quot; @ navel
Hips: 38&quot;
Thighs: 22&quot; (Got smaller
due to injury but they are coming back)
Calves: 14&quot; (surprised these remained the same)

My arms however are still a piddly 15.6&quot; (Flexed).

My Initial Goal was to be 10% BF by this time I am a little embarassed that I didn't make it.  
But as you can see the results that I obtained seems more desireable

Now here comes the 'frustration aspect'
I have what I call a Tire I think Colby knows what I am talking about.
Basically my body looks good except for my handles and a little over the lower abs
I am not looking to get a 6 pack (though it would be nice
).  I just want to get rid of it!

Any advice on how to get rid of this...
I could try cutting again

Some people I have talked to attribute it to genetics.  Which I can agree with but there must be some way!

Anyway, I may post pics...I have to take them first

edited to add routine:

Deadlifts (lightly cuz of injury)
Preacher Curls
Tri Extensions

Bent Over Rows
Military Press
Leg Press (Can't balance squat properly yet)
Barbell Curls
Tri Pulldown</div>
At 16 something BF, genetics sure as hell ain't your problem.
I think that from now on it may be best for you ( and anyone else) to use me as your example(s) of &quot;higher BF%&quot; (ie. the chubmiester) as I am quite content @ my &quot;higher&quot; bf%age ( currently somewhere between 14 and 18% by my best estimations) , the more &quot;bodyfat challenged&quot; members here will of course have &quot;thinner skins&quot; or at least less &quot;under-skin insulation&quot; which renders them much more suseptable to feeling insulted about thier weight and or Bf%ages. I have no desire to be ripped , shredded , cut or even fileted and welcome each 5 or 10 lb. gain with open , decidely non-vascular arms - knowing that my bottom line ( keeping the numbers rising) is cheerfully and glutoneously (probably just made this word up) being met. Just dont call me weak!!!

*The preceding message was intended to be tongue in cheek and non-offensive to my little scrawny friends!!!
(AKUFADUM @ Nov. 03 2007,20:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">@ colby you mentioned the same thing on a few occasions hope I didn't offend

MDE - uh...thanks...I think...</div>
If you're thanking me you didn't get my point. I'll be explicit:till you hit around 10%, eating less simply works. Even the most genetically challenged(ok, I'm lying, maybe someone who's incredibly leptin resistant, has a dead thyroid and castrated testosterone levels-I'm sure neither of those apply in your case) can reach about 10% without major hardship. The bitchiness comes from there onwards.