A question about am/pm split


New Member
I am going to start my HST routine thursday. I was just looking through the FAQs seeing if there was anything I have missed. Then, I came across this:

To optimize HST a person should train twice per day. He/she should use 2 routines, and AM program and a PM program. Some exercises could be repeated but most should change from morning to evening. The normal progression of weight increments and reps to be followed. That is twice per day, 3 times per week. So still only train MWF but train twice on those days. I think I get a little more out of it when I do whole body twice. Although, I often split up upper and lower body when something cuts my workout short in the morning. Don't forget we're talking about volume too. The volume doesn't necessarily double. Just the frequency.

I am not sure exactly what this is saying... Does it mean that i would do an am workout at say 85% and a pm workout at 90% or am i just doing 1 set of 15s in the morning and doing my second set at night?
It also says that is is better to switch up the exercises. I was actually going to do an A/B workout that looks like this:

Day A..............................Day B
Squats............................Dead Lifts
Hamstring Curls............... Hamstring curls
Chins...............................Bent over rows
Inc BB bench.....................Dips
Military press....................Arnold Press
Crunch Pull Down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Declin Cruches
Could i just use this as my am and pm exercises? Any clarifacation on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
This is an advanced technique used by experienced lifters in an effort to increase the over all frequency to elicit hypertrophy. Most lifters don't necessarily need this to achieve their hypertrophy goals especially if you have never done HST before. Try the vanilla once a day 3x/wk A/b split once through to assess your tolerance and whether or not more is needed to achieve your goals. Making it to the gym twice a day could prove to problematic for most people myself included :) Hope this helps