A small question for the experts


New Member
Hey guys!

I'm new here in the forum, but I follow their discussions for some time. I have 25 years old, 6.04 ft and 195 lbs (10% bf). I trained in a traditional routine for one year and follow the Max-OT style training for four months. Now I want to follow a HST style training routine. Following the suggestions of the text Pimp My HST Foreword fellow Proteus9, I built my routine like this:

- Frequency: 3X-a-week, AM / PM - Summation effect. This Can Be Met by minimally Switching Between morning and evening 3x-a-week workouts. Again, this is really the most basic and effective optimization technique you can do for your HST routine. :)

Exercises selection:

15s: Basics

Flat bench press (1 set)
Dips (1 set)
Barbell Shoulder Press (1 set)
Arnold Shoulder Press (1 set)

Deadlift (1 set)
Stiff-Leg Deadlift (1 set)
Barbell Row (1 set)
Pull-ups (1 set)
Abs (2 X 8-10)

10s: Basics + specialization (biceps, triceps, calves and traps)

Flat bench press (2 sets)
Dips (1 set)
Barbell Shoulder Press (2 Sets)
Arnold Shoulder Press (1 set)
Barbell Shrugs (1 set)
Lying triceps extensions (2 sets)

Deadlift (2 sets)
Stiff-Leg Deadlift (1 sets)
Barbell Row (2 sets)
Pull-ups (1 set)
Barbell Curl (2 sets)
Calf Raises (2 sets)
Abs (2 X 8-10)

5s: Basics + specialization + metabolic stress

Flat bench press (2 set)
Dips (2 set)
Flat DB Fly (15 reps)
Barbell Shoulder Press (2 Sep)
Arnold Shoulder Press (2 Sep)
Barbell Shrugs (2 set)
Side Lateral Raises (15 reps)
Lying triceps extensions (3 sets)
Cable Pressdown (15 reps)

Deadlift (3 sets)
Leg Extension (15 reps)
Stiff-Leg Deadlift (2 sets)
Leg curl (15 reps)
Barbell Row (2 sets)
Chin-up (2 sets)
DB Bent Row (15 reps)
Barbell Curl (3 sets)
EZ Bar Curls (15 reps)
Calf Raises (3 sets)
Abs (2 X 8-10)

5s: Basics + specialization + metabolic stress + optimization techniques

Same routine of 5s, using cluster sets.

So guys, the routine is good? All advice will be very useful.


P.S.: Sorry for my English, I am Brazilian and still have not mastered the language.
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ok firstly instead of doing all push in the AM,and all pull in the PM i would mix it up,if you do this
Flat bench press (2 set)
Dips (2 set)
Flat DB Fly (15 reps)
Barbell Shoulder Press (2 Sep)
Arnold Shoulder Press (2 Sep)
Barbell Shrugs (2 set)
Side Lateral Raises (15 reps)
Lying triceps extensions (3 sets)
Cable Pressdown (15 reps)

by the time you get to the arnold presses your tris/shoulders/pecs will be fried,and you wont be able to lift as much weight IMO.
also for metabolic work instead of adding extra exercise just drop the weight on the last set on 5s of the exercises you have,and rep out ie metabolic set.
Hey Schopenhauer, welcome!

Like Faz said, you may find mixing up push & pull between am. and pm. will make for higher frequency and allow you to use more load for same-muscle-group exercises (eg. bench and dips) as well as for sets later in each workout (due to reduced fatigue).

Something like this for 15s (and then adapt accordingly for 10s and 5s):

Squat (1 set)
Flat bench press (1 set)
Barbell Row (1 set)
Barbell Shoulder Press (1 set)
Calf Raise (2 X 10)

Deadlift (1 set)
Dips (1 set)
Pull-ups (1 set)
Arnold Shoulder Press (1 set)
Abs (1 set)
Thanks guys!

Actually, thereby distributing the latest series seem less difficult. As the metabolic sets, I prefer to do many reps with little weight because, according to the e-book, it is less stressful to do drop-sets

6) Drop Set with selectorized equipment
7) low 15s or high-rep fatiguing

In posterior cycles will replace with drop-sets.

Following the tips from you, my routine looks like this:

15s: Basics

Squad (1 set)
Flat bench press (1 set)
Pull-ups (1 sets)
Barbell Shoulder Press (1 set)
Calf raises (2 X 10)

Deadlift (1 set)
Dips (1 set)
Barbell Row (1 set)
Arnold Press (1 set)
Abs (2 X 8-10)

10s: Basics + specialization (biceps, triceps, calves and traps)

Squad (2 set)
Flat bench press (2 set)
Pull-ups (2 set)
Barbell Shoulder Press (2 set)
Lying triceps extensions (2 sets)
Calf raises (2 X 10)

Deadlift (2 set)
Dips (2 set)
Barbell Row (2 set)
Arnold Press (2 set)
Barbell Shurgs (1 set)
Barbell Curl (2 sets)
Abs (2 X 8-10)

5s: Basics + specialization + metabolic stress

Squad (3 sets)
Leg Extension (15 reps)
Flat bench press (3 set)
Flat DB Fly (15 reps)

Pull-up (3 sets)
DB Bent Row (15 reps)
Barbell Shoulder Press (3 Sep)
Side Lateral Raises (15 reps)
Lying triceps extensions (3 sets)
Cable Pressdown (15 reps)

Calf raises (3 X 10)

Deadlift (3 sets)
Leg curl (15 reps)
Dips (3 sets)
Flat DB Fly (15 reps)
Barbell Row (3 sets)
DB Bent Row (15 reps)
Arnold Press (3 set)
Barbell Shurgs (2 set)
Side Lateral Raises (15 reps)
Barbell Curl (3 sets)
EZ Bar Curls (15 reps)
Abs (3 X 8-10)

5s: Basics + specialization + metabolic stress + optimization techniques

Same routine of 5s, using cluster sets.


Greetings to all!
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