A spin on HIIT for my own sanity


New Member
I started doing cardio recently, as my cut has stalled. It appears that all signs point to HIIT for best fat loss and muscle retainage results.

Anyhow, I just hooked up a tv to my eliptical machine and really enjoy watching some shows while I do my cardio. I have very little relaxing time in my schedule and this cardio crap is eating into it. The problem is you can't really do HIIT and watch tv. I need some down time or else I might go insane, so here are the compromises I made for myself....

I can watch tv and do a HIIT routine if I allow myself bigger break periods. This means longer cardio time (about 40-60 mins rather than 20), but is what I would prefer if it is just as effective.

My two questions:

1) Is this modification acceptable or will I essentially be ruing what HIIT is all about?

2) My eliptical has a heart monitor. What if I were to do my sprints by getting my heart rate up to 80-90% rather than a set time limit? Would this be even more even more effective?

I did #2 tonight, getting my heart rate up to 80-90% (170-185/min) range and then walk/jogging until it fell down to 110/min. I then did a sprint when I felt comfortable doing so, since my CNS is pretty beat up from 3-4 weeks of my 5RM.
Yes, but I would prefer a longer HIIT routine so I can watch tv during my longer break periods. Think that is ok?
(I know that said pathetic, but I hate cardio and work is killing me recently!)
(jwbond @ Oct. 12 2007,09:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes, but I would prefer a longer HIIT routine so I can watch tv during my longer break periods. Think that is ok?
(I know that said pathetic, but I hate cardio and work is killing me recently!)</div>
Do a few bouts of quick HIIT.

For example:

HIIT routine for 10 minutes
Rest for X time
HIIT routine for 8 minutes
Rest for X time
HIIT routine for 6 minutes
Rest for X time
HIIT routine for 4 minutes
Rest for X time
HIIT routine for 2 minutes
Rest for X time
I wouldn't mind walking fast for an hour, but from recent research it seems that walking fast for 40mins w/ 20-30 sec sprints every 5 mins would be more effective for fat loss...no?
I thought you wanted to watch the tube?
colby&gt; you can do HIIT for only 10 minutes? how? I don't have the patience to run on the treadmill for more than 10 minutes ehehe.
(colby2152 @ Oct. 12 2007,21:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I thought you wanted to watch the tube?
I do, but I think it is still reasonable to watch when only getting interrupted every 5 minutes.

To sum it up, I WAS doing...

HIIT 20 mins:
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-2 min walk/jog
-30 sec sprint
-2 min walk/jog
-30 sec sprint
-2 min walk/jog
-30 sec sprint
-2 min walk/jog
-30 sec sprint
-2 min walk/jog
-30 sec sprint
-2 min cooldown

I would like to change to...

40 Mins HIIT
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-5 min warmup
-30 sec sprint
-2 min cooldown

I am guessing this change is still ok for maximizing fat loss since HIIT doesn't seem too strict, but wanted to make sure I am not compromising my cardio too much for tv.

Here what you do:

Find a squat rack.

Find your 20 to 25 rep max on squats.

Take that weight and do as many reps as fast as possible (safely) for 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds.

Again do as many reps as possible for 20 seconds.

Repeat until you have done 4 minutes of this.

Go take a shower (after you throw up) but don't worry the weight will fall off doing

personally it sounds like what you have in mind will work fine.

im basing this on the fact that a cardio session(s) will only be effective if you continue to do them. there are a lot of cardio options that are ideal for fat loss (HIIT being one) but your interested in combining it with TV for a little extra relaxation/distraction. if the TV helps keep you be consistant as well have you enjoy cardio more then i think your on to a solution. just make sure the TV watching isnt so distracting as to turn your 40min HIIT into a 40min slow steady state. nothing wrong with the steady state, if thats what your shooting for, but if not .......

in the old days when i did competative cycling i would ride on my rollers while watching TV (in the winter). i rode at a good &quot;training&quot; pace most of the time which enabled me to pay attention while still working. every commercial i would go up a gear and hammer it. not sprinting mind you b/c commercial breaks are anywhere from 2-5-8 minutes long but enough effort to get the heart rate way up there.

anyway, the way i look at it everything is an option. if its going to keep you coming back then cardio is just like our w/os..........we all tweak them to suit our needs so....
I've forgotten where I found the article, but I learned to do my HIIT such that I sprint for at least 30 seconds then walk for 45 to 90 secs, rinse, repeat. The gym where I run has a track that takes me just about 30 seconds to run one lap and somewhat less than a minute to walk one.

I do this for 12 to 15 minutes, after which I throw up and shower...