
New Member
Yes, I've searched and read thoroughly on this topic and I've still not answered my question, which seems simple:

If I do a 15-week AAS cycle and eliminate the 15-rep sets and SD, that means my time "on" runs long after the usual completion of two weeks of 10s and four weeks of 5s (I don't do negatives) -- about 9 weeks more.

I'm not interested in abbreviated cycles like 2 on/off.

I am unclear how I'm suppposed to calculate my lifts. The AAS inevitably adds more strength over time, so the max calculated at the outset of an AAS cycle won't mean much.

Do I just keep adding weight and stick to fives or what? I can't find anything explaining how to calculate this. If I'm adding weight to five-rep cycles for 13 weeks, that sounds grueling.

If I've missed the explanation about this somewhere, sorry. I'm just as happy to be directed to an old explanation.
for me it depends on if I am cutting or bulking. Rightnow I am cutting so what I do is run through the normal hst cycle then at the end of 5's I will jump right back to 15's without the sd week. If I am bulking I will just go back to 10's for two weeks then right back to 5's. This seems to work best for me when I am on a cycle.

How much weight I add is dependant on how I feel. If a weight feels relatively easy I will add more than if it feels heavy.
I would try this for a 15 week cycle:

2 weeks 10s,
2 weeks 8s,
3 weeks 5s
2 weeks 10s,
2 weeks 8s,
4 weeks 5s

When you start over at 10s aim for increased RMs at the end of each mesocyle. Rather than aiming to increase your top loads a lot, add some more volume. Then when you come off you will hopefully be able to stay near to your top loads even if you have to back off on the volume.

Eat a bunch of food and you should grow like a weed.