AAS directly after layoff


I haven't trained for 6 months. We can call that an extended SD! I had trained for years straight up until then, reaching 100kgs (220lb) at 1.85cm (6ft, 1.5in) at around 15%BF. So I was pretty big and had been pretty big for many years but then stopped training for 5 months due to illness (mono/glandular fever) which I am now completely over. I have sinced dropped down in weight by 14kgs (30lb) to 86kgs (189lbs) so a pretty big drop in five months.

I am about to start training again (using HST of course), Now, while I have no doubt I will rapidly pack the weight back on naturally, I am tempted to co-incide my resumption to training with an AAS cycle. The sensible approach would seem to be to train naturally for several months, getting back up to what I acheived naturally last time yada yada yada. But there is something Bryan once wrote about AAS use that is on my mind. He wrote that AAS don't exactly speed up the recovery process, but rather they magnify the response to training.  

So, given my response to training should be naturally magnifyed already due to my long 'SD' period and my training/size history ('muscle memory')- I'm thinking, why not supercharge it even further?
It would seem to me doing atleast one cycle after such a long layoff naturally would be a good idea. Get your muscles ready for the acton if that's the way you wanna go, but I can't imagine going AAS after a 6 month break would be a good idea.

But then again, what doesn't kill you....:p
(countryboy @ Sep. 18 2007,07:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i dont know the answer to the magnifying effect, but wouldnt a too rapid increase put tendon and joints at risk?</div>
I should be ok since HST has a built-in preparation for joints and tendons with the high-rep, lactic acid-inducing 15s.
I've been off for two months myself due to a big job I'm finishing now. I'd say do a &quot;get in shape&quot; cycle first in order to not only re-acclimate the joints and tendons, but to raise the metabolism and stretch out the cells; possibly a hundred other things as well.
I'm not guessing that it would really be a bad idea, but I'm guessing it would be a less than optimal idea. Think of the first cycle as &quot;part&quot; of the AA cycle: you're prepping for it, getting revved up, gaining strength, Vo2 max, mitochondrial filling and reestablishing the neural connections.
I'm so tired now I wish I had some strong TRT just to get enough energy to work out again. I'll be taking a week vacation after my birthday (9/18) or so to rest up.
F'me only five months to get over GF?

Roids aint no magical pill - you need to get at least 2-3 HST cycles in before you even think about AAS. Your systems will still be shot from the illness. You could literally set your training back years...
Quad's right! Do a cycle first, I'd go further and try pro-hormones first before going AAS, testoterone booster and the like!

I don't know but I just feel AAS's throw out the natural mode of things!
I like Dave Tates &quot;take&quot; on steroids , they are an &quot;ace in the hole&quot; the earlier you need to &quot;play it&quot; the less far you are going to go , if you need to juice to win local shows - you are not going to make mr. olympia , if you need to juice to win local PL meets , you are not going to be making Andy Bolton nervous on down the road .

As for your question , I'd definitely do at the very least a cycle of HST first if you're in this for the long haul.
(berserk @ Sep. 17 2007,21:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(countryboy @ Sep. 18 2007,07:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i dont know the answer to the magnifying effect, but wouldnt a too rapid increase put tendon and joints at risk?</div>
I should be ok since HST has a built-in preparation for joints and tendons with the high-rep, lactic acid-inducing 15s.</div>
It's an exceedingly stupid idea. People who are still working out consistently sometimes push themselves too far on steroids and injure themselves. Such a problem will be all the more likely if you start a cycle right after a lay off that lasted several months, and during which it sounds like your body wasn't in the best condition to maintain strength gains and connective tissue conditioning. Two weeks of 15s isn't necessarily going to offset several months of inactivity and illness.

AAS and prohormones are the same thing, and testosterone boosters don't belong in the same category with either. Newer 'prohormones' are usually oral steroids with no known safety profiles, and which were likely picked out of the vida book because of decent anabolic androgenic numbers that don't necessarily translate to diddly squat in the real world. Research was usually stopped on them for a reason too, like better alternatives already existing.

By going into a cycle right out of a lay off, and if you use newer oral 'prohormones' or 'prosteroids', you're increasing the likelihood you're going to injure yourself and thus require another lay off, and you're increasing the likelihood of the risks associated with oral steroids biting you in the reer. Take a few months to get back into a maintainable routine with training and diet. Then, if you want and after you're sure the base is there and in good shape, go back into AAS. And get yourself a decent source and do a real cycle with a known substance that has a known safety profile and decades of use behind it.

The 'magnifying effect' is an increase in the magnitude of protein synthesis taking place. Not a change in the rate, just more of it going on.
I would like to take the fact that I was ill out of the equation. Let's just assume I couldn't train for 6 months due to other commitments.

So a 6 month SD straight after being the biggest I ever was. I can almost hear my muscles screaming out to be stimulated again, I will probably start back with 20RM actually - so 2 week blocks of 20-15-10-5-negs. I wish I could somehow clone myself and do it naturally and 'assisted 'at the same time and then compare the results.

Just trying to take advantage of my situation which feels kind of unique in that I may not find myself in it again . . .I don't really plan on training 6 days per week for months, getting close to my genetic potential, and then just suddenly go cold turkey for 6 months again!

I'm not worried about doing any damage to myself, I know the dosages,quality,ancilliary drugs, etc, etc - I just wanna get the best bang for my buck and thought I might get hyper-effects right now.

Or maybe it could be the case that AAS will overcome the RBE anyway so I may as well get back to 100kgs (which I think is my genetic limit at ~12-15%)  naturally first and then add them to the mix so I can keep adding muscle.
(berserk @ Sep. 18 2007,21:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Or maybe it could be the case that AAS will overcome the RBE anyway so I may as well get back to 100kgs (which I think is my genetic limit at ~12-15%)  naturally first and then add them to the mix so I can keep adding muscle.</div>
sounds like a plan to me
if you were sick and didn't train for 6 months, you are going to make tremendous progress just from getting your diet in order and following a good training program. You will be much bigger and stronger in a few months than you are right now.

To me it seems AAS would be more effective later, at a time when you'll be lifting harder and heavier
(the_dark_master @ Sep. 19 2007,13:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You were ill - and the more I read from you; the more I get the impression you're one of these idiots that give steroids a bad name.</div>
Dark Master, are you implying that exogenous testosterone will harm me because I've recently had mono/glandular fever? And if it does, I will then add to the 'steroids are bad' media lunacy?

I wasn't aware of any studies suggesting testosterone suppresses one's immune system, would you like to share them with us?
I shouldn't have to explain this, because after all I did mention in my origianl post that I was completely over the mono/gf. I wasn't asking for someone to play doctor and take it into account in their response. I should have just posted that I didn't train for 6 months due to other commitments. But for record, the reason I know I'm over the ilness is that not only have my relevant blood markers been back to normal for months, for the last few weeks I've been doing daily high intensity, pre-breakfast interval training as well as a couple of 5km runs a week. This served to lean me out a bit and also a pretty good CNS/immune test post illness. My recovery has been fantastic. I know mono/gf is one of those ilnesses where you hear about the 1 year horror stories, etc. But, believe me, I'm over it.

So, again, I'm just wondering whether AAS combined with HST right now might give me even better results than AAS combined with HST after several months of training naturally (when my muscles will be somewhat de-sensitized and 'tuff as shoeleather' again)

running is not the best anabolic on earth it is in fact highly catabolic...so you should drop it once you engage in serious training.

If I were you I would not push it...but you are ultimatelly the owner of your own body so...up to you!

Our recommendations stand, get good nutrition going and train HST hard for at least 4 or 5 cycles...then if you not happy start considering gooing forth with this.

My opinion may not be what you'd like to hear...testosterone should only be used when bood tests show deficiency...then granted...it is used with a good purpose...putting your body in overdrive unnaturally has to have dire consequences later!
Well while the brainstorming or some such is going on, perhaps consider this:
A good natural foundation built up to it's genetic slowdown in gains, then enhanced by hormonal assist will give that obvious boost for a while, eventually requiring possibly higher amounts to continue gaining.
If you start out assisted, then soon thereafter up the dosages, where will you be able to go from there? I mean, safely?
It would be my observation from study that for maximum gains in the long run, it's better to take the long run.