
New Member

New to the board. Been well aware of HST for a few years now but as yet never actually used HST. Trained for goin on 8 to 9 years mainly with brawn type training & for the past few years 5x5 type training.

Just fancy a change really and I've always wanted to have a bash at HST as it seems real popular with allot of lads using 5x5, cycling from one to the other.

I’m well aware of the principles of HST but I'm curious as to what if any alterations need to be made for someone who cycles AAS and how some of you actually set you’re training up in relation to 10 week AAS cycles?

I would prefer shorter cycles with HST so I don't have to modify the HST cycle itself. You can increase volume for a given load rather than the load itself, usually near the maxes/heavier weights, to extend the cycle and make it fit a longer cycle.
Cheers Lol I think that FAQ post answers most stuff. I'm a little unsure about this though.

1) About SD while on a cycle: SD isn't necessary while "on" a cycle. If you are doing 10 weeks, your weights should stay heavy or be slightly increasing the entire cycle. Then, you shouldn't do SD until AFTER your natural test is back up to at least normal. This is very important. As long as test levels are low, you must continue to train uninterrupted.

I understand SD is the time off (1 or 2 wk) you would have off at the end of a HST cycle. So this would be unescarry (until nat test levels are up) but is this also stating that there would also be no need to back off weight wise when switching rep ranges? So no zig zaging? Or do I understand this wrong

Xahrx I really don’t fancy these short cycles. No experience of em my self but know a few lads who have used em with little success. With proper PCT I’ve never had any trouble gettin nat test levels back up after 8 to 10 weeks but the short cycles really seem to suit HST better than a longer cycle.
of course depending on the type of 'roids used, I've done 12 week EOD workouts, with the juice for the first 8 weeks only (basic compounds/24 cluster reps) loading was: wk1 70% of 5rm incrementing upto the old 5rm at wk6 -  by this time the gear kicked in "big time" and together with the right nutrition, I was able to keep adding weight to the bar right upto wk12...
one major advantage with longer cycles is that you can site inject everything!!! Delts, Bi's, Tri's - nice

(Tailos @ Oct. 10 2006,14:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Xahrx I really don’t fancy these short cycles.  No experience of em my self but know a few lads who have used em with little success.  With proper PCT I’ve never had any trouble gettin nat test levels back up after 8 to 10 weeks but the short cycles really seem to suit HST better than a longer cycle.</div>
Shorter cycles are more suited for HST but it all depends on your goals. Personally I never wanted to pack on massive amounts of muscle. When I cycles it was for a small boost in either strength or mass, nothing major. Just a little kick in the right direction.
I've only done two very short *(one month) cycles of prohormones; M1t and Superdrol, respectively. I made great gains on the M1t, which I lost afterward, very quickly. The Superdrol was better for having few side effects *(mostly cramping) and less muscle gain was countered by seeming to keep most all of it.

That's all I know from experience. Oh, and PCT was 6-oxy for the M1t and rebound xt for the super. Maybe the oxy is junk; I've heard as much.
(quadancer @ Oct. 10 2006,19:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've only done two very short *(one month) cycles of prohormones; M1t and Superdrol, respectively. I made great gains on the M1t, which I lost afterward, very quickly. The Superdrol was better for having few side effects *(mostly cramping) and less muscle gain was countered by seeming to keep most all of it.

That's all I know from experience. Oh, and PCT was 6-oxy for the M1t and rebound xt for the super. Maybe the oxy is junk; I've heard as much.</div>
I prefer a SERM for PCT. 6 Oxo is a good product but it shouldn't be considered a stand alone product for PCT, and definitely not for a cycle of M1T. For that I wouldn't use anything less than nolva and hCG during the cycle. M1T shuts down natural test production hard and fast. Then again, I wouldn't use M1T because it's so damn toxic for most people.

Also, have you been for a physical lately and.or gotten blood work done? M1T and Superdrol are two of the more harsh steroids when it comes to lipids. Definitely get yourself checked if you haven't just to make sure you are okay regarding liver, cholesterol, kidneys, test levels, etc.
(the_dark_master @ Oct. 10 2006,16:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">of course depending on the type of 'roids used, I've done 12 week EOD workouts, with the juice for the first 8 weeks only (basic compounds/24 cluster reps) loading was: wk1 70% of 5rm incrementing upto the old 5rm at wk6 -  by this time the gear kicked in &quot;big time&quot; and together with the right nutrition, I was able to keep adding weight to the bar right upto wk12...
one major advantage with longer cycles is that you can site inject everything!!! Delts, Bi's, Tri's - nice

if you are talking about site specific growth then that is incorrect.androgen recpetors throughout the body are saturated after a while.i have a friend who just hits glutes and he doesnt look like the girls from booty talk
(ie big ass).

the only one that can cause site specific growth is test suspension as it has such a short half life it cant infiltrate all of the body .giving the local site more growth,but test suspension ahs to be injected once or twice daily ouch!
I could see a longer cycle working with HST principles, as long as you don't SD until well after PCT. Extend the cycle way, way out and you should be good. Or even transition it into a 5x5 cycle. I could see that working well.
Didn't mention site specific growth, the main advantage with site injecting is (myo)fascial expansion. Ensure the juice is injected deep into the muscle belly as this will allow an even expansion of the &quot;bag.&quot; From a feel POV the pumps of an injected muscle are unreal and addictive... I'd advise against using more than 1cc for smaller muscles - as I got carried away and put 1.5cc in each bicep - the searing pump lasted a week; then I loaded 1.5cc into the triceps...
I didn't bother with the legs - they're growing OK by themselves, besides I would have had to inject each muscle individually and I doubt even 1.5cc would elicit much of a stretch... Hell I didn't get a J-Lo with 3cc &quot;in the arse&quot;
Xarhx - That was over a year ago I did those. I'm trying the legal route next week just to get up to norble levels. We'll see. I wouldn't know where to find 'roids if I wanted to anyway.
(quadancer @ Oct. 11 2006,18:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Xarhx - That was over a year ago I did those. I'm trying the legal route next week just to get up to norble levels. We'll see. I wouldn't know where to find 'roids if I wanted to anyway.</div>
So your levels are low? Full recovery can take a while sometimes, especially after something like M1T. So long as you're getting yourself checked. The more important thig in my mind would be making sure your lipids and blood pressure were in line. Either a bad lipid profile or high BP for an extended period of time are things to be avoided at all costs, and the effects of use can last a while after cessation sometimes in those areas. More so the lipids than BP.
My lipids checked as normal; I did the M1t about two years ago and the Superdrol about a year ago, and both for only 1 month cycles to be safe.
I'm seeking HRT because I'm 53, can't sleep, can't seem to cut fat, but gain it really easy, can't seem to gain any more muscle, have very little libido anymore, and can't seem to work a full day without extreme exhaustion, despite diet and exersize. All of which adds up to Andropause. Blood test is this coming monday.
Just wanted to show what I'm about these days. I used to think of any supps as cheating, but if HRT will just get me back to normal, I'm all for it. Nothing on the web or over the counter worked, and I'm tired of wasting money.
My test floored out at 70 ng/dl...the lowest the Endo had ever seen. Androgel at 75% max dose keeps my test around 600-700 ng/dl now and I feel great. I have not changed my HST in any manner as I am not taking the Androgel to get to super high, hypertrophy walloping test levels. High normal is fine for me.
(quadancer @ Oct. 12 2006,17:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My lipids checked as normal; I did the M1t about two years ago and the Superdrol about a year ago, and both for only 1 month cycles to be safe.
  I'm seeking HRT because I'm 53, can't sleep, can't seem to cut fat, but gain it really easy, can't seem to gain any more muscle, have very little libido anymore, and can't seem to work a full day without extreme exhaustion, despite diet and exersize. All of which adds up to Andropause. Blood test is this coming monday.
    Just wanted to show what I'm about these days. I used to think of any supps as cheating, but if HRT will just get me back to normal, I'm all for it. Nothing on the web or over the counter worked, and I'm tired of wasting money.</div>
Good deal. A lot of people don't even get checked.

What OTC stuff did you try? I know a couple of good sleep aids/libido boosters that have made some of my older friends happy. Are they checking your GH levels too?
(quadancer @ Oct. 12 2006,17:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My lipids checked as normal; I did the M1t about two years ago and the Superdrol about a year ago, and both for only 1 month cycles to be safe.
  I'm seeking HRT because I'm 53, can't sleep, can't seem to cut fat, but gain it really easy, can't seem to gain any more muscle, have very little libido anymore, and can't seem to work a full day without extreme exhaustion, despite diet and exersize. All of which adds up to Andropause. Blood test is this coming monday.
    Just wanted to show what I'm about these days. I used to think of any supps as cheating, but if HRT will just get me back to normal, I'm all for it. Nothing on the web or over the counter worked, and I'm tired of wasting money.</div>
good luck bro,hope it works out.