AB Exercise Selection For HST Routine


New Member
Hi, so my question is what are some good AB exercises that I can incorporate into my HST routine that I am about to start in a week. I need some exercises that should be weighted since I'm planning to do 2 week blocks of 15s, 10s, and 5s.

So what are some of the one you guys do and what are some good ones?

Please be specific on answers.

example: Weighted Decline Situps
I would like to know with barbell, dumbbell, medicine ball, or weight plates AND then behind head, on chest, or chest then press up etc.

Thanks in advance guys.
I tend to focus on lower ab exercises like lying weighted leg raises/hanging weighted knee raises. I also do higher reps like 20/15/10 instead.
I tend to focus on lower ab exercises like lying weighted leg raises/hanging weighted knee raises. I also do higher reps like 20/15/10 instead.

Do you rotate among those exercise like ABA?

I was also thinking about using higher reps so my waistline doesn't get too bulky which may tamper the V shape torso that I want. But it doesn't follow the 15 10 5 week blocks so I wasn't too sure.
Guys like us don't have to worry too much about getting bulky abs, but 5 reps too heavy in my opinion for ab exercises (higher risk of injury). Your core gets worked alot during heavy squats and deads so I just focus on my weakpoint which is lower abs. I don't alternate ab exercises, but that's just a matter of preference. You could do a weighted crunch/situp for A and a weighted lower ab exercise for B for total development. Hope this helps and Good Luck!