Ab workouts?


New Member
Personally, I have been seeing some results from trunk curls, reverse trunk curls, and a side effect of pull ups.

What are good stimuli for causing your abdominals to actually grow, as opposed to getting very hard and chiseled?
Abs are made in the kitchen.

However you will need to develope them properly as well.

Full range situps on a incline hit the abs well. Hold a weight for extra resitance.

And any weighted ab machine will do.

Make sure you are using full range of motion and not your hip flexors.
What you *don't* do is what I have done, ie. bulk for a year!
I can feel those babies as hard as rock and dying to show themselves but I fear they will have to wait until next summer as I see further bulking coming my way.

Weighted under-hand grip chins always give my abs a good w/o.
(Joe.Muscle @ Nov. 27 2006,21:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Abs are made in the kitchen.</div>
Big agreement here.

Don't eat so much while bulking that you totally cover them in fat. That way when you cut, you can do it sensibly without trashing your muscle you've worked so hard to build and bring them right out.

My ab training is pretty simple. I just do kneeling cable crunches at the end of my workout. The squats, deads, rows, chins, and overhead presses seem to hit them pretty well too...they are the stabilizers for these exercises.

When it's time to show them off, I'll just do a short 10 calorie/lb diet with 60% fat, 35% protein, and all the green veggies it takes to keep from being hungry. I don't do it for too long because I don't let myself get too fat (a psychological hangup left over from years of obesity) and it does OK for me.
I do abs as an afterthought. Still, I have come to like hanging leg raises a lot for ab work. As a bonus, it also works out my grip.
Yeah cut body fat as said before.

My abs were looking good before I learned of bulking.(lower bf%) I just did weighted decline sit ups.

My problem was that I had barely any pec muscles and they were super uneven so my torso just looked sick.

Good news is my nipples are almost 100% inline now but my abs don't show quit as much.

Now to continue building a chest, then cut and bring out the abs.
I like heavy DB carries (single DB in one hand and walk around), suitcase DL, hanging leg raises, and heavy DB side pulls, and static bridge for time.