Abdonmials of steel and Core with HST


I have found that my core is very sore (DOMS) from doing the Squats, Deads, Bench and bent rows. It seems that all of this compound work smashes them enough for me to leave out ab work all together, whilst you can see my top abs enough, the middle two not so much and I have some excess BF to get rid of from the last cycle to get the bottom ones showing.
I am of the opinion that ab work is not really needed, but if you wanted to emphasise them how do we all go about it as progressive weighted exercises seem to be the go and abdominals are the least understood muscle group in the gym.

Thoughts from all those will abs of steel please?
I am far from blessed with abs of steel, but progressive weights alternated between roman chair sit ups & hyper extensions are part of my routine.
I am of the opinion that training abs with progressive weights will cause hypertrophy and the side effect will be outgrown abs, not exactly my intention to have what they call "turtle abs".

Others may have different opinions!

I feel body weight exercises are mostly good enough, some weight exercises are good but progression is mostly unnecessary for abs, diet and reduction of body fat is what will show your abs good, that's for sure!

One exercises using weights that I really like is:

Lying on a Swiss ball with your back, grab a fair sized dumbbell with both hands and keep arms strectched out straight in front of you, ensure your legs are fairly well apart and solidly placed, swing arms from one side to the other emphasizing rapidly when you cahnge direction.

Try it.

But seriously, Squats/Deads/Chins/Dips and Military presses to name but a few work the abs darn well by themsaelves IMHO
The worste ab DOMS I ever got was after doing dumbbell pull overs.
I think ab training during bulking phases can be a good idea, but don't get out of control with it. Once or twice a week is plenty, in my opinion. This also depends on how easily your abs grow. It seems like most people have a hell of a time getting their abs to grow, but it might be because most people only do ab training while cutting, which is stupid beyond belief. The one time that the training will do almost nothing except maintain is when they do it. But that problems stems back to the whole spot reduction myth...

Anyway, just one or two movements done heavy during your bulking cycles should be plenty. I wouldn't worry about the "turtle belly" look. It is rare that you will see a natural who has that problem. And if you do see someone who seems to have that look, it's probably due to visceral fat, not overlarge abs.

Just be warned that ab training sucks. It's boring. But in the end, it's a good idea.

My opinion only.
(Fausto @ Sep. 28 2007,04:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am of the opinion that training abs with progressive weights will cause hypertrophy and the side effect will be outgrown abs, not exactly my intention to have what they call &quot;turtle abs&quot;.

Others may have different opinions!  

I feel body weight exercises are mostly good enough, some weight exercises are good but progression is mostly unnecessary for abs, diet and reduction of body fat is what will show your abs good, that's for sure!

One exercises using weights that I really like is:

Lying on a Swiss ball with your back, grab a fair sized dumbbell with both hands and keep arms strectched out straight in front of you, ensure your legs are fairly well apart and solidly placed, swing arms from one side to the other emphasizing rapidly when you cahnge direction.

Try it.

But seriously, Squats/Deads/Chins/Dips and Military presses to name but a few work the abs darn well by themsaelves IMHO
Hey Fausto,
Mate I am not one of those people who are likely to suffer the turtle effect so I can safely use progressive load. I do tend to work in higher rep ranges though. Body weight training is a little ineffective for me because the amount of reps required turn it more into an endurance session. Each to their own I guess.
Bodytyping revisited, you see the wasp-waisted guys like Frank Zayne to bull-bellied guys like ...uh, like... uh, I can't think of anyone off of AA's right now, but I'm one of 'em. If I do abwork, the ab grows and I just look fatter. I think that for my type of gut, the diet and highrep shaping exersizes would be best, but like Tot, I find it VERY boring.
For a guy with the insect middle, going heavy with lowrep progressions could be a bonus.