About HST and need some help


New Member
Hi all, I am really fascinated about HST and its super simple way of driving the muscle into hypertrophy. Just need to clarify some things, ok lets start. Must i find my 1RM(or HST calls it max)?? and every end of the week i must reach that max weight? I am new to HST and i read about the principles on the website, just don't understand whether we need to reach max at the end of each 2 weeks? and then retest max for the 2nd cycle?
To answer your question, you reach max at the end of each two week micro cycle. The basic HST cycle has four micro cycles, 15, 10, 5, negatives or 15, 10, 5, 5
If your still in confusion then I'd advise you to thoroughly read the front page and all threads created in the link below. This should answer most of of the questions you may have.
To answer your question, you reach max at the end of each two week micro cycle. The basic HST cycle has four micro cycles, 15, 10, 5, negatives or 15, 10, 5, 5
If your still in confusion then I'd advise you to thoroughly read the front page and all threads created in the link below. This should answer most of of the questions you may have.

Thank you :) the setting up of the HST cycles confused me the most, i can get all the exercises in but not the assigned weights. Once i finish reading the threads u send me in the links, if i am not sure can i PM u maybe for specific tutoring on certain areas? hehe xD