About RM, Need feedback i read the FAQ section already


New Member
Hi all i have read about estimating RM in the FAQ section, just need some opinions. i Have a calculator provided by a member of HST forum, and it does a great job by helping me get my 15RM, 10RM, 5RM and 1 RM but bear in mind these are just estimates. The question is I use a weight which i can only do less than 10 reps to get those estimate 15RM, 10RM, 5RM and 1 RM, Is this ok or should i find strict 15RM, 10RM, 5RM and not use the calculator??
IMO estimates are fine. Strength can fluctuate day to day depending on amount of sleep/food intake anyway so as long as you feel like the estimates are close i wouldn't worry about it. I was confident with my estimates so I just jumped right into it
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IMO estimates are fine. Strength can fluctuate day to day depending on amount of sleep/food intake anyway so as long as you feel like the estimates are close i wouldn't worry about it. I was confident with my estimates so I just jumped right into it

Thanks a lot, so its a play by feel right :) Thanks to wobbles too :)