Abs, calves, and forearms


New Member
Would I be able to train abs, calves, and forearms during SD if I use isolation movements for them since I won't be focusing on them during my next HST cycle..?
This seems like it's a simple enough question where I can give a simple enough answer - yes :)


P.S. - by the way, how are you training your abs?
I wouldn't. Those are all involved in many of the movements you use during a cycle. For instance, I've found my entire core has gotten very hard since I've started doing deadlifts in my routine... which was about six months ago. Huge change there.
My forearms get a lot of growth from all those movements too, but most especially from chins and stuff like that. Even calves get stimulation from deadlifts.

Edit: Sorry, forgot about your abs question. Like I said above, I think deadlifts are great for core strength. I believe that good mornings have helped my core as well, but you might not like good mornings. A lot of people don't. For direct ab work, I think weighted crunches are sufficient... but exercises like hanging leg raises can be a lot of "fun" too.
Cool thanks guys for your input.  I'll probably lay off of that stuff just to play it safe.  I am gonna be using deadlifts every workout for my next cycle so I guess that will be good.
PS: Colby... your signature quote thing is awesome lol.  I love The Big Lebowski  :D
SD's do suck. I agree with Totentanz, I do no direct forearm & calf work and both grow. My calves got to 17 1/4 last cycle and all I do for legs are squats and deadlifts.
My calves grow like crazy too for some reason. I started doing some calf work last bulking cycle... nothing fancy, just adding a raise on each rep when squatting, and gained 3/4 of an inch on each calf. I believe I have crazy lower body genetics though, which is probably the reason why I actually enjoy doing squats and deadlifts in the same workout, which is heresy to many people. Heh.

I agree about the SD not being a lot of fun, but try doing a 12 week long cycle with 4 weeks of negatives. By then, you'll get to the point where SD will be a relief.

wrestlingguy: I'm assuming you are looking for some significant growth in your forearms and calves. What's your next routine look like? I would suggest adding in weighted chins if you aren't doing them already. I feel that they hit my forearms real well. They also hit the lats hard too, which is always a plus.
Yeah I'm definitely looking for some significant growth in my forearms.  My calves are decent, but I definitely wouldn't mind putting some size on them.  I was thinking about using chins in my routine, but I'm worried that my progression wouldn't be as smooth.  I don't know how much weight I can strap on me and still do 10 chins with.
This is gonna be my routine...
Deadlifts 1 set
Dips 1 set
Bent-Over Rows 1 set
Behind The Neck Press 1 set
Leg Press 1 set
Incline Dumbbell Curls 1 set
Same as AM, but substitute curls with close-grip bench press.
I was thinking that my forearms would be getting a good amount of stress from the deadlifts once those start getting heavy... what do you think?

EDIT: I just realized we already discussed the deadlift thing. So obviously deadlifts = good...
I wouldn't worry about how much weight you can handle with chins too much. As long as you can add some weight, you should be fine. I was really weak in chins when I first started using them. Right now, my 15 RM is barely over my bodyweight, so I just increment every third workout with them. You'll gain strength in them fairly fast, and you will definitely see growth.

Also, once you get to the negatives, chins are easy to do negative style and when you do them that way, you WILL feel it in your lats. In your forearms too, probably. I did anyway.