Abs on off days or part of hst routine?


New Member
Do you guys a abs exercise in your hst routine (15x1, 10x2, 5x3)
Or do you hit the abs on your off days with various exercises?
I do my abs on a day off or a second mini-workout later in the day from my main workout. I do this for two reasons, to keep my main workout time down and because if I put them at the end of my main workout I end up just going through the motions.
Grunt do you do the normal rep and sets like all other exercises (15x1, 2x10, 3x5) for the abs workout later on in your day too? And is it just one selective exercise or a few different at once.

I'm only doing cable crunch as my last exercise in my hst routine and 1 set of 15 every other day feels very little right on. (first week of hst)
I use progressive loading on my abs exercises when I get around to doing them but I generally stay in a higher rep range around 12-20 reps. Though many people do follow the standard HST 15,10,5 protocol.
Honestly... I rarely train abs. I squat and deadlift, and somehow, magically, without training abs, I can use the whole stack on the ab machines at the gym. I think ab exercises aren't needed unless you do not have enough core strength.
Totentanz, I was looking at your training log and you seem to be doing at 2xupper body and 2xlower body split while doing 15s, 10s, 5s. How does work and what's the difference/benefits?
Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I'm not doing that kind of split anymore, but the benefit was that I could handle more volume without burning out. I've moved to a three way split, lifting four times a week and it seems to be working better. But the main reason for this is that I require more volume now to grow or get stronger. I think that full-body can take you a long way before you need to start splitting things up.
ok thanks for the info, im still pretty new to lifting only 1 active year so it'll be awhile before i need to split