actors getting in shape for movie rolls


New Member
I read this and just about fell out of my chair! WTF?

Church Bulks Up for 'Spider-Man 3'

Thomas Haden Church was shocked when producers of Spider-man # insisted he work out intensely for over a year to prepare for a part in the film. The 45-year-old plays the villain Sandman and found it a shocking change after having to gain weight for his role in Sideways. He explains, "When I met with the (Spider-Man 3) producers and director last year they said, 'We probably need you to get in a specific physical shape for the movie. Do you mind taking off your shirt?' I took off my shirt and the director Sam Raimi said, 'We're going to need you to gain about 100 pounds of muscle. You've come here today with the physique of a fishwife and that doesn't fit into our scheme...' I gained a bunch of weight for Sideways, because the director wanted me to appear bloated. I thought, 'I'll make a special cocktail of beer and ice cream in the blender and it will suit this purpose quite nicely!'" Church began his intensive training for the role and is now in top-form. He adds jokingly, "I had to start working out last year, it's been about 16 months of five days a week lifting weights and all right...steroids!"
100lbs of muscle?


So where'd he hide it?
Under a nice layer of fat with just the right thickness (not too thin, not too thick), I guess

To be fair, he doesn't look fat (if he did become "bloated"). He just doesn't have the '100' pounds of muscle. That would have made him look like, hmmm... regular guy plus 100 pounds of additional muscle... Cutler?
Maybe that is a before shot. That person could not have packed on 100 pounds of muscle already. He would have had to start out as a mere skeleton with some skin attached to it.
He didn't actually gain the 100 pounds. I guess Raimi was exaggerating to mean he should look tough instead of fat.
Actually, according to an interview, he only gained 20 lbs, which isn't a big deal. I gained more than that my first year of HST:

HADEN CHURCH: My weight is about the same as what I weighed in Sideways, but in Sideways Alexander [Payne] asked me to just get fat. For Sideways I gained about 20 pounds and then I dropped it after the movie because I felt horrible and I was horribly out of shape. On Spider-Man I have put on about 20 pounds, but it's been lean muscle and I have a nutritionist and I have trainers in L.A. and trainers in Texas and it's just been very intense for about the last 13 months. It's been very intense weight-training regimen, but no cardio, because as I have learned cardio is the enemy of muscle. They wanted me more bulky than lean but my body fat is pretty low, but I have to attribute that to diet and pretty intense weight training regimen. I work out about 5-6 days a week for about an hour and a half every day. Pretty intense, you burn a lot of calories.