adding pullups to HST...


New Member
Hi everyone. I have a dilema, I love pullups but can only do like 12 with my bodyweight, so i havent added them to HST. Has anyone ever found a solution to this? it seams to me that only people that can do atleast 20 with their bodyweight can add them to HST, this is the same for dips right??
By pullups you mean with an overhand, wide spaced grip? I would do them anyway and just keep doing constant reps, adding weight once you get into the 5s. Alternatively, you can use either an assisted pullup machine or use pulldowns during the 15s and 10s, then switch to weighted pullups during the 5s. What about chinups? Can you do more reps with those? Typically most people are stronger with chins than pullups.
Don't worry that you can't do 15 or more strict chins/pull-ups. Here's a fun thing to try during the 15s: do jumping chins/pull-ups instead. So, use your legs to assist the movement a bit. Keep the reps going for a real metabolic burn in your lats and arms. Then when you get to 10s, switch to strict chins/p-us. After 5s do negs. They work really well for chins/p-us—use a chair or bench to raise yourself to the top and then lower under control. Also, add in a high-rep jumping set during 5s and negs—do it after the heavy stuff. This will help keep glycogen stores high in those muscles so you'll feel fuller.
I've done HST with a similar rep max. Here's what I did (rough estimate):
During the 15s - 2 sets x 4 reps, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, 2x8, 2x10
During the 10s - 2 sets x 7 w/ 5 pounds, 2x7 with 7.5 lbs, 2x7 w/ 10 lbs, 2x7 w/ 12.5, 2x7 w/ 15, 2x7 w/ 17.5
During the 5x: 2x3 w/ 20lbs, 2x3 w/ 22.5, 2x3 w/ 25, 2x3 w/ 27.5, 2x3 w/ 30

Obviously I wasn't following the basic template, but I was slowly increasing the weights. If the weights felt really heavy, I repeated the weight for the next workout (that's probably not following HST to a T though).

This was a while ago, but one of my friends tapped out with 4 reps for chins. I had him do something like this:
During the 15s: two sets of 1 rep (great form); two sets of 2; first set 2, second set 3; two sets of 3; two sets of 3; first set 3, second set 4
By the 10s, he could do more reps, but the progression was still slow.

Hope that helps.