Adequate volume while cutting


New Member
In a few days I'll be starting a cut after a 6 month HST bulk.

Some of you have been kind enough to answer some of my questions in an earlier thread. I have 2 follow up questions still:

1) I understand it's best to train at the 5RM when cutting in order to preserve muscle. Does that mean that I will be training close to failure (or even at failure) most of the time during the cut?

2) I intend to lift weights 2x per week during the cut. Is the volume below adequate?

Cardio: 3x per week (2x HIIT and 1 regular cardio 30 min slow run).

Lifting: all sets targeting 5 reps at 5RM weight. Note that I don't plan on working arms and calves per the advice in the HST ebook.

Deadlifts 2 sets
Pulldown 2 sets
Row machine 1 set
Leg Press 3 sets
Barbell Bench press 3 sets
Shoulder dumbbell press 3 sets
Decline bench ab crunches with weight on my abs: 2 sets

Squats 2 sets
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2 sets
Pulldown 2 sets
Row machine 2 sets
Barbell Bench press 3 sets
Shoulder dumbbell press 3 sets
Decline bench ab crunches with weight on my abs: 2 sets
You will more than likely be closer to failure due to the nature of the load. I just do the 5s as per usual: work up using your normal % increases, then try and increase if possible, if not use the 5rm load for a few days them when you feel you need to take it easier you can deload and start the 5s again at 75/80% of your 5rm. You could even go back to 8s for a week or so if your really worn/ragged/torn.